Dominique Thread!

Well it took me a couple years to find out about Bredas. Not a common breed. But Dominiques?

I spent 6 months researching chicken breeds before I decided on my first backyard chickens. Chicken math took over and I've cycled through 18 chickens in 7 years from common to rare breeds and finally decided I liked the outgoing but calmer, gentler, docile breeds. Dominique hens are not docile but they are friendly outgoing breeds and easy to handle and child-friendly girls. Dominiques are not as well-known as Cuckoo Marans or Barred Rocks so Doms are still considered a rarer breed. My favorite is still Breda because of their docile nature, outgoing curious nature, and excellent layers -- but Dominiques are right up there for my vote as family-friendly good layers.


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