Dominique Thread!

I thought the same thing.
They look to have Pea combs.


This is a little confusing. If you're talking about the 2 pictures in BarefooMom's post they do look to have pea combs.
I'm not sure why you quoted my post about the auction I started. I assure you my Dominiques don't have pea combs.
I thought the same thing.
They look to have Pea combs.


This is a little confusing. If you're talking about the 2 pictures in BarefooMom's post they do look to have pea combs.
I'm not sure why you quoted my post about the auction I started. I assure you my Dominiques don't have pea combs.

Im sorry Bill,
I thought you said that BarefooMom's birds were interesting Dominiques. My eyes must have been playing trick on me.

I know your birds are the real deal.

Again I want to apologize for the confusion I can't believe I miss-read your post.

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I am interested in taking photographs of my doms but have been slow in doing so knowing circumstances under which images recorded can affect how birds appear. Effects do not always reflect reality. I have been bringing some birds inside having them stand on a nealry white and fairly slick surface of bath tub but posteriors appear odd. I want to get one of the cages like those used for showing and setup so I have standard colored background with consistent artificial light. What are the show-cages called and where can they be urchased?

I am also very interested in photographing individual feathers of hackle, saddle and tail (sicle and flight). Anyone tried that?
I put one of mine in the (full) compost bin with a garden cage over the top because the surface was tall enough to minimize distortion of looking down at the bird. Just before sunset, I went out to the coop and caught #37 off the roost, slipped her under the cage onto the 'stage". Then I waited about 20 minutes for her to settle down and stop shoving her head through the fence
and finally got some decent pictures.

With flash:

Well I am up to page 25 of this thread and it is fascinating! My Great GrandFather had some of these birds that he kept in Milwaukee, WI in the back yard. I have to ask my Mom if there are any pictures...I have been trying to figure out if the black and white birds that I have are Doms or not. I will try to get some pics today--this thread with your excellent discussion is helping me enormously. I think this will be a breed that I concentrate on. Thanks for the info! Terri O
centrarchid we too have found that to be true. Most of the birds settle down enough in the greenhouse that we can take some photos that represent their conformation correctly. We have taken photos of feathers individually as well, also of legs, beaks/combs and head profiles. This is all just for our records to see how our birds progress as the years go by, and if certain bloodlines seem to be passing down recessive traits.

We have some left over field fencing from our run project this weekend, so I'll be using that to build a cage to start taking better photos of birds. We won't do this with every bird, but will cage train the ones that we know we'll be using for breeding and get some better shots of them.

Hi Terri!
Any tips on getting a Cackle Dom broody? I have chicks coming and dont particularily want to raise them.
Other people have suggested sacrificing some eggs to encourage a hen to think "these things need sitting on!" Mark the eggs so you can remove any new additions. Just because a hen sets doesn't mean she will accept babies. Many people suggest adding the babies during the night.

Maybe I should suggest you pop over to the incubation thread and the raising chicks thread and see what is being discussed. There are problems with the chicks possibly not understanding why they need to listen to "mama". Those other threads can give you tops and warnings.
Hi Walltenters--nope, my birds are NOT Doms.
It appears, after checking them out with my new found knowledge, that they are barred rocks and cuckoo marans! There is not a rose comb among them. (I do have a SLW with a really nice rose comb however
) Oh I just have to get another job so I can bid on NYREDS eggs! Terri O

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