Dominique Thread!

I know my birds have Plymouth Barred rock in their blood, it has taken me many years to reduce size and still keep proper type and feather quality over the years. As for the picture of the lighter colored Pullet ,she was never put into a pen because of her comb. I have plenty of good females that carries the lace like pattern. In many older writings from A Q Carter and John M Wise the pattern was known to be on the males breast feathers and this causes much of a problem for my line for males to throw even color through out. This pattern is strange because some Pullets will not show this pattern through out until their first molt.
I know my birds have Plymouth Barred rock in their blood, it has taken me many years to reduce size and still keep proper type and feather quality over the years. As for the picture of the lighter colored Pullet ,she was never put into a pen because of her comb. I have plenty of good females that carries the lace like pattern. In many older writings from A Q Carter and John M Wise the pattern was known to be on the males breast feathers and this causes much of a problem for my line for males to throw even color through out. This pattern is strange because some Pullets will not show this pattern through out until their first molt.
That's a beautiful cock!
We cracked our first eggs open!

The bottom two yokes that are touching were from one egg. 3 whites were pretty clear, 3 were slightly cloudy. ALL were super tasty! lol
Wife made mushroom Quiche.

It's crazy if you go to that link and click on the person's Facebook he has pictures of his Dominique's and the rooster he has looks very close to the standard of perfection.

Most of today's Dom roos look gorgeous and very close to SOP unless one happens to have his wattles or comb grow in weird -- but it's the Dom females I rarely see that fit the SOP as far as the U-back. Seems like they look crossed to BRs to have those fluffy cushions ruining the U-back on the Dom females. But then, I don't breed, and maybe getting the perfect female U is harder to get then I can imagine. If it's hard to get the perfect U-back and you have to breed 100s of birds to get 1 or 2 that fit the SOP then maybe that isn't the characteristic that fits the breed in general. I don't breed, don't care if a Dom female doesn't have the perfect SOP even if I happen to think it is attractive, my main focus in my backyard flock is a good temperament and Doms fit that criteria for me - in addition to the many other things I like about them that have nothing to do with how they "look." Breeders have a different goal and I applaud them for keeping the breed going - it is genuinely a great breed.
We cracked our first eggs open!

The bottom two yokes that are touching were from one egg. 3 whites were pretty clear, 3 were slightly cloudy. ALL were super tasty! lol
Wife made mushroom Quiche.

A big congrats on your first eggs!

Only other "chicken people" can understand the great pride & sense of accomplishment. I also took pics & shared.....Here's the 1st egg in the nest.... again in the egg basket...... Here are the 1st week's eggs in the the pan.....on the plate, etc. Have fun & enjoy it!
I ran across this article on the site. Scroll to second page.


Good article.

I thought so, too. Shows the possible long term pitfalls of cross breeding.

We cracked our first eggs open! :lol: The bottom two yokes that are touching were from one egg. 3 whites were pretty clear, 3 were slightly cloudy. ALL were super tasty! lol Wife made mushroom Quiche.
Are those from dom eggs? If so, how did you get those nice dark orange yolks? I've heard people say to use purina layena feed, however I'm on my second bag of it and my eggs are still pale yellow. Thanks.
Most of today's Dom roos look gorgeous and very close to SOP unless one happens to have his wattles or comb grow in weird -- but it's the Dom females I rarely see that fit the SOP as far as the U-back.  Seems like they look crossed to BRs to have those fluffy cushions ruining the U-back on the Dom females.  But then, I don't breed, and maybe getting the perfect female U is harder to get then I can imagine.  If it's hard to get the perfect U-back and you have to breed 100s of birds to get 1 or 2 that fit the SOP then maybe that isn't the characteristic that fits the breed in general.  I don't breed, don't care if a Dom female doesn't have the perfect SOP even if I happen to think it is attractive, my main focus in my backyard flock is a good temperament and Doms fit that criteria for me - in addition to the many other things I like about them that have nothing to do with how they "look."  Breeders have a different goal and I applaud them for keeping the breed going - it is genuinely a great breed.

I did not know that. Although I would say that my rooster falls into that minority (he doesn't have the spike at the top of his comb, and his wattles are just slightly asymmetrical). However, I do not know about my hens. It may be that some of them have a nice back but maybe I can post pics sometime for you guys to see since I know nothing about that. I know that 4/6 of the hens have the spike at the top of their comb, one has an underbite and is smaller than the rest, and they all seem to be pretty dark in coloring. Probably not the greatest gene pool but they are very docile, friendly, and adventerous.
Are those from dom eggs? If so, how did you get those nice dark orange yolks? I've heard people say to use purina layena feed, however I'm on my second bag of it and my eggs are still pale yellow. Thanks.

yes, Dom eggs! They have had free access to "Texas Natural Feed" since they were 3 days old. [Chick starter] at first then we moved them to [Layer Pellets]. Since they've been on layer pellets they do not eat as much "feed". They(14 hens 1 rooster) wander about 3-4 acres each day; They are extremely good foragers! Oh, they also eat meal-worms, dehydrated in a bag from the feed store. Just treats though, so not that often. We are hoping to get a set-up where we are growing our own meal-worms soon.

*Non-vaccinated chickens as well. Not sure if that actually has anything to do with yoke color. Dominiques were ordered from

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Here is one with not quite a U-shaped back. Comb looks like something you might make into a sandwich. Tail coming in OK as feathers being replaced. Color light which a good 1/3 of mine to much so. He grew fast and has good weight.

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