Donald is developing an attitude....

Ok I posted about my drake biting toes and I've been doing the smoosh him to the ground dominance thing but he doesn't seem to care he calmly lays there then gets up and bites me again. AND yesterday he started it with my hand and this morning with the top of my foot- which hurt like @@@@ I was sitting in a lawn chair petting the chickens yesterday and he started the toe biting thing (I assume for attention) as usual and I totally ignored him and continued cuddling the chicken. Well he stopped biting and stood their waiting patiently for his turn. The problem with this solution(if it actually IS a solution and not a coincidence) was it normally hurts to much for me to ignore like that- its just not normal to sit there calmly while your toe gets amputated. So is there another way to teach no biting? Or am I doing the smoosh thing wrong? I have a hand on his back holding him down and one on his neck flattening it out to the ground. And he rarely struggles he usually just lays there like nothing is happening. plus if I'm being really consistent and smooshing him everytime he makes a move for my foot it tires me out (I'm doing this over a pregnant belly) and I'd never get out of the backyard I think I could literally be out there for hours smooshing him down letting him up smooshing him down again etc. He's obviously more stubborn than I am- I finally met my match ha ha ha.
I bet you are having a hard time smooshing him. Congrats on the little hatchling too. Why not just flip him over on his back, I bet he won't like that, When my duck just won't take no for an answer I pick him up and lay him over in my arms like you'd hold a baby. After he stops struggling I set him down, he usually just waddles on off. So maybe try another tactic on him. Persistance is the name of this game.
AWwww my quackers use to swim in my tub!! They were so cute and sweet back then!

Now they are evil and bite my toes!


I should photoshop some bloody fangs in his mouth!
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Lmao. Ok I flipped him over he wasn't sure what to think about it and laid their paddeling his feet. I need to weigh this duck I swear he's like 20 pounds! So flipping him is not a simple task. Anyways I set him down after awhile and he stood there staring at me like "now what?". Flapped his wings then came back and stood between my legs/on my foot -his normal spot.

idk about this crazy duck!
No he didn't bite but I also didn't give him much opportunity because I had to get ready for work. So ill work on it tonight or tomorrow- depending on when I get home today. I'd get my husband to flip him but he doesn't bite my husband nor does he follow my dh around so I guess that's pointless.

Yeah he's always been a little on the ravenous side with food. I actually have to chop treats into little pieces and scatter them otherwise no one else will get any cause hell eat the whole thing in one giant gulp. And I try to give them when he's swiming so the others get a running start while he's trying to get out of the pool. Lol.
If it's only you he's biteing then you will have to do the flipping. but you made me laugh visualizing your duck trying to get out of the pool to get to the treats. Sometimes I think their little pigs in feathers!!
Spoiled ducks? Nahhhhh! No such thing as a spoiled duck.

I have a drake that waits to get hand fed before he gets out of the drake house.

The hens wait for their daily dose of peas and bugs and the humans prized blueberries.

And the whole flock glares until they get their hand picked greens IN their water!

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