Done thank you for the posts. Im done..No more Posts needed. Thanks

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Do you have any friends or a church that you attend? You really need to get a driver's license first, as this will make things much easier in the long run. Maybe a friend could help you with this endeavor?

Then, look for ads for live-in help for the elderly. Some elderly folks really just need someone to make meals, do housekeeping and drive them to and from appointments/church/etc. Some apartment complexes have live-in managers and some hotels do the same.

You could advertise for help....someone to help you get your driver's license, carpool to a job with, carpool to school with, etc.

The situation you are in is heading absolutely more ways than I can describe. Do you want to raise your child in an environment like this? For her sake alone you need to be trying desparately to remove yourself and her to a place where she can grow and be loved without hatred and addiction as the foremost examples in her life.

I know you say your family do not have much money either, but do they have substance abuse~ and hatred for you? If not, I'd be moving home, even if I had to sleep on the floor. Don't worry about the animals....just run for you and your daughter's life and worry about getting more animals when you are more stable.

I know you feel like you love this man but it sounds as if the love is one-sided or that he can't provide and love for you because of his addictions. Either way, you need to look up information on AA and read up on enablers and their personality profiles. Could be you are just one of those folks who gravitate to people who need fixing want to mother him, make him better, can see his hidden potential. I've been there....a few times, actually. I can tell you that, at his age, they rarely change and you will waste many years trying to help someone who is satisfied with their life. He is a product of his raisin' and you need to take care of you and yours. Good luck and keep us posted for any positive moves you've been able to manage!
ray's two cents :

awww thanks.. The reason I couldnt go is because his parents would have to drive me and instead they are going camping.. Said they couldnt take me because they had already planned it.. But the wedding plans were WAY before anyone told me about camping! I appreciate you responding to my thread.. Your the only one and I have posted several threads and nothing really.. some posts here and there.. But thats about

Hey, that's all right! I haven't got much on right now so I'm browsing BYC
I have a rant or two myself but I won't 'hijack', as they say, your thread

That sucks about the camping, sounds like they weren't really thinking about you
But that's really a problem with the parents not him... and you know how you hear bad tales of the in-laws all the time! Have you thought about getting your drivers license?​

I think about it constantly.. getting my drivers license.. Cant get till I get glasses and I cant afford those right now.. They hardly ever think of my or my daughter.. I know its not him but hes outside drinking with his brother right now... Im sitting in our room alone.. talking on byc because all my friends I use to hang out with are in a different city and having their own problems lol... Go for you can share anything you like!
Hey, that's all right! I haven't got much on right now so I'm browsing BYC
I have a rant or two myself but I won't 'hijack', as they say, your thread

That sucks about the camping, sounds like they weren't really thinking about you
But that's really a problem with the parents not him... and you know how you hear bad tales of the in-laws all the time! Have you thought about getting your drivers license?

I think about it constantly.. getting my drivers license.. Cant get till I get glasses and I cant afford those right now.. They hardly ever think of my or my daughter.. I know its not him but hes outside drinking with his brother right now... Im sitting in our room alone.. talking on byc because all my friends I use to hang out with are in a different city and having their own problems lol... Go for you can share anything you like!

Oh, bummer about the glasses! I think that should be the first thing you should save for, being able to drive would have so many benefits for your situation! I know how you feel about the friends, I've made some pretty big moves before and felt totally stranded at home when my family's been busy at work
Not sure how you feel about online friendships, but you could stick around here and give them a shot!

My problems seem stupid compared to most peoples', which is partly the problem, how I'm worrying over dumb little things all the time.
Same here (unless I'm on a roll... which is not often)!
Mother Hen, it looks like your thread is starting to take off
You just made me cry(sad tears because deep down I know most of what you said is true...) my family is intrested in my other two sisters at the moment.. well they have almost all my life.. I cant depend on them for nothing.. They have used me adn Im over them.. I love them but I wont ask for help because they are two busy helping themselve to care.. as far my drivers liscense I need glasses in order to get that part done and over with..My fiance is a good guy and he does have his problems.. I never pay for him to drink.. His brother does and his brother lives in a different city and only comes into town once in awhile.. He was drinking a 30 pack a day and has cut down to bout 3 or 4 beers every great once in awhile.. And its not really his fault he cant support us he has epilepsy.. Hes applying for ssi but as you might know that takes some for a job I am trying to get my GED so i can get a good job atleast.. because these days you have to have GED or HSD before you can get a decent job... Thanks for the advice I really appreciate it.. I mean really thanks soo much it means alot.. And my mom was addicted to Cocain when i was younger.. and my second oldest sister is a druggie as well.. Im not Im a good girl
Maybe you could get a job as a live in caretaker for an elderly person. Check for jobs on Craigslist. You never know. Anything to get out from under for a while.
ray's two cents :

Same here (unless I'm on a roll... which is not often)!
Mother Hen, it looks like your thread is starting to take off

hehe yeah you started talking to me BOOM there it goes
Please stay and chat Id love some one to chat with
Im sorry for what you are going through. Move to phoenix I will gladly help you get on your need an escape and you need to get yourself and your baby out of that situation! You are worth more than that and don't ever believe anything different! cmon get packin!
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