Done thank you for the posts. Im done..No more Posts needed. Thanks

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and bring your chickens....
You are a SWEETHEART!!! If I had away we would leave in a heartbeat but my fiance cant go further away from his kids.. and Im not sure what to do about that lol
Oh they will go where I go! But I doubt you could hand the 4 dogs and puppies on the way! Along with a 3 year old lol
Same here (unless I'm on a roll... which is not often)!
Mother Hen, it looks like your thread is starting to take off

hehe yeah you started talking to me BOOM there it goes
Please stay and chat Id love some one to chat with

I'll be around for a while, lucky you caught me on the day I have a lot of free time around now!
ray's two cents :

I think about it constantly.. getting my drivers license.. Cant get till I get glasses and I cant afford those right now.. They hardly ever think of my or my daughter.. I know its not him but hes outside drinking with his brother right now... Im sitting in our room alone.. talking on byc because all my friends I use to hang out with are in a different city and having their own problems lol... Go for you can share anything you like!

Oh, bummer about the glasses! I think that should be the first thing you should save for, being able to drive would have so many benefits for your situation! I know how you feel about the friends, I've made some pretty big moves before and felt totally stranded at home when my family's been busy at work
Not sure how you feel about online friendships, but you could stick around here and give them a shot!

My problems seem stupid compared to most peoples', which is partly the problem, how I'm worrying over dumb little things all the time.​

I have friends now thanks to you guys and ladies (Not sure who ever one is but we shall see) hehe Thanks to everyone! And Im willing to be friends with whom ever wants to be friends with me
Online and in real
Beekissed put it better than I would...but you need to get out of there. If for no one's sake but that baby.

Situations like this never get better. I'm sorry to say so, but it's not going to go anywhere. I'm sorry, but you and your child deserve better.
Well thanks hun
I do love him and he has changed alot for me.. Which is more than most women could as for.. He sticks up for me when is family treats me like crap.. He doesnt drink all the time not even but maybe once every 3 months are so depending.. He would get us out of here if we had the money. And he is the only dad my daughter has ever known really.. He treats me great almost all the time.. not to say we dont have our moments but he is good to me.. I just hate when he drinks.. it makes me sad and depressed when he drinks.. I normally go to bed.. But I decided to talk on here instead that way I did get to depressed.
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