Don't kill me...I didn't like goat milk!

My 2 cents - if you aren't very clean, chill it immediately, keep all the bucks away, and have the right doe it is yuck!!! But, if you have a doe that gives "sweet milk" (trust me they can vary a LOT) and that milk is handled quick, clean, cold and sealed then I love it. If not, yep I'll vomit. It will also easily pick up flavors out of a fridge if not sealed. That being said, no need to drink it unless you like it.
The first time I tasted, it was very different then I thought it would be; that's for sure...
But, I think it's a matter of "getting used to it" for some people (like me). I know some people who think whole cow's milk tastes so weird, bc they're used to 2%.
I learned on goat milk when I had them milking several things to help the flavor. One thing was not to milk in plastic container after while that container will give your milk bad taste, I used metal bucket or heavy glass jar. Another thing I learned was not to feed your goats sweet feed but to feed them whole oats and if you have alot of milk weeds in your pasture will give your milk bad flavor too. I also learned goats milk tend to pick up tangy flavor from things and I never kept billy around to know if that is true but I bet it does affect the milk. When my daughter was little she was milk intolerant and we had to have goats for her milk up until she was like 9 years old so we milked regular for many years.
I don't care for Goat milk either, but goat cheese or cheeses made from goat's milk taste great to me. I take goat cheese slice small medalions roast them lightly in the oven then crumble them onto a salad, to die for I tell ya, very good.
GOOD goats milk should NEVER taste like goat. it should be just slightly sweeter than cows milk..
my hubby drank goats milk here, for over 6 months and never knew the difference LOL

if your ever in My neck of the woods, come over, and try some of ours... you would never taste the difference!
I've definitely tasted a difference. My friend keeps her does and bucks completely separate and chills the milk right away. That has always been delicious. I've had goat cheese from other sources though and it tasted disgusting. I think the taste definitely depends on many different variables!
I think when folks plan to raise goats and use the milk to make edible prodocts they have to think things through as to what to feed and where to put them, IDK just throwing it out there. I know if I had goats I would want to make cheese's and would research the different types of forage that would make the cheeses taste the best, if that's possible. I have been contemplating getting a few goats just to jack around and see what neet stuff I can do with them, maybe cut back on my tractor diesel LOL and get some yummy cheese to boot.

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