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Too young, but wouldn't be surprised if it was male. Please post pics in a few weeks. :)
I will! Around what age?!
We only had buff orpingtons so she was just to cute to not buy her at the store
Then she started thinking she was all mighty to the big chickens and they could care less but she'll get right up in their face and try to start something
I would post again when she/he is around 8 weeks. he/she is very beautiful!!!
Thank you!
He or she only really likes humans right now He or she will also jump up on your shoulder and try to sun herself made me so nervous but whatever it may be she or he is way to pretty to give away
Not sure from the pic, but I'm thinking it's not GLW. BLRW could be laced with blue, black or splash. Would need a better pic to tell if it's red or gold.

I was told they were BLRW, they don't have any GLW. Here is another pic of it helps and one with the other splash i got from the same breeder.
I don't mind either way but hate being sold something claimed to be one thing when it's not.
I will! Around what age?!
We only had buff orpingtons so she was just to cute to not buy her at the store
Then she started thinking she was all mighty to the big chickens and they could care less but she'll get right up in their face and try to start something

6-8 weeks is best, or a little older. :)

I was told they were BLRW, they don't have any GLW. Here is another pic of it helps and one with the other splash i got from the same breeder. View attachment 1035601 View attachment 1035603 View attachment 1035605 I don't mind either way but hate being sold something claimed to be one thing when it's not.

It's not GLW - I think you've got BLRW, might be black laced because of the BBS rule. :)
So we are a first time chicken family. We just got our first flock of chicken's last Thursday and still can't figure out what we have. I ordered 10 (2 Ameraucana's, 2 Buff Silkies, 1 Rhode Island Red, 1 Silver Laced Wyandonette, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Buff Orp, 1 Cuckoo Maran, and 1 Light Brahma) and we got 11. I'm pretty sure we know the buff orp (Gigi), light brahma (Hedwig), rhode island (Lucy), and both silkies (Fuzzy Pants & Fluffy Butt)but the majority I'm still clueless. I would appreciate any help from all you chicken experts out there. :) (fingers crossed our bonus is a hen but realistically we expect it to be a roo). The sooner I can determine a roo the easier it will be to prepare my kids for the fact that it won't be staying. Thanks for the help!

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