Don't sick and/or get accident if you don't have money

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If you go into any hospital (at least ones I've been in) there is a big poster on the wall that specifically states that the hospital must treat EVERYBODY, period. When my family received the bill for my 30 minute hospital visit it was over $300, why? Because that bill pays for people who came in and couldn't afford to pay. I am okay with that, paying more so everyone who is not as fortunate as I am can get medical treatment. And addressing the poverty issue, there are shelters you can live at, there are food banks, food stamps and soup kitchens, you may not be fat and happy but you aren't gonna starve to death. And I wish there was universal healthcare too, but right now I just wan't the government to be able to still function and not shut down because of debt, which it probably is, let's just get through this crisis and then try to fix our country.
My being naive has done me well. I must correct you I do not "feel" I should do anything my feelings on the matter are irrelevant I base my opinion on principle (liberals feel) and what I hold to be truth. People for the most part there are exceptions do have a choice and that choice has has requirements like going to school or just working harder than the competition. I actually do help the needy but through donations of my choosing. Why do you guys keep telling people they have no choice that is like saying they are in a rut and cannot get out? I posted a similar response on another thread addressing that mindset, your compassion for the poor keeps them poor.

You obviously live in Canada, you are naive, I fear to the free market system and alot of other liberties we have here and how they work. I am not surprised you are a socialist as Canada would not have an economy without the U.S. they are barely their own country. A beautiful place though.

Do the people that choose to drive a garbage truck not get paid? or is it an unpaid position? I pumped gas as a kid and realized it would not support a family and I subsequently waited until I had a better job before I had kids. I benefit from alot of things and I pay for them all out of my own pocket.

And I have news for you Jesus is not the Government and he took that bread and fish from a little boy not the wealthy and he multiplied it and fed people. hardly socialism.

People used to come here for the opportunities that were offered and some still do but they find our social programs the attractant now. Why do people still leave the countries with the social freebies for a place to earn for themselves? If your socialized medicine is so great why does Canada limit its' immigration? the Chinese? ring a bell?

Helping the poor does not entail money for nothing. You don't work you don't eat that is in the Bible also.

A good article on Canadas' immigration and healthcare system.

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The saying 'from each according to his means, to each according to his needs', springs to mind.

You do realize from where that particular quote comes, do you not? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't Ludwig von Mises.

Dustmen, or as we call them in the States, "garbage collectors", don't work for free, bless them.


"The average hourly rate for a trash collector in New York City is $24.81, based on statistics from With overtime and union scale increases, the annual salary of a trash collector can double in five years."

And, they get benefits including health care and pension on top of their salary.
I do think that the insurance system as it is now needs work, we lost our health insurance when DH lost his job. I could not afford the meds I was on at the time so with some changing of meds, I ended up paying less for my meds by paying cash then with insurance here is a good example my one med script was $194 charged to insurance I paid $7 now that same script paying cash was $44. The pharmacy said they had one price to charge the insurance and one price for cash price for those with out insurance. We now have dental, prescription and eye care insurance, The dental/prescription insurance is $13 a pay check and with that we have saved over $40 a month on my meds so that one pays for itself the health insurance is so expensive.

I know that before this health care reform started that our doctor's office had a cash price and a insurance price they have now done away with the cash price so you have to have health insurance to pay for medical. My DH is looking at carpel tunnel surgery we will have to wait until open enrollment in February so he can have his surgery no way we can pay for that with cash.

I wish that we had something like they do in Europe I would think that would work better then other programs. My DD who works part-time applied for state medical card she got it for the girls but she didn't get it for her because she has to be pregnant to qualify for state medical help.

I am not sure of the answer to the problem but I know private insurance is not working they are jacking up the medical prices so a person can not afford not to buy insurance.
I've been to the ER without insurance simply because I couldn't afford it and on that point Dunkopf is correct, a single income family of 4 earning $45K a year cannot afford health insurance. And I must say that I sure felt good paying that $1,800 bill out of pocket to offset the write offs for the treatment of illegals and public aid people who would have received the same treatment as myself. Had my name been Juan instead of John I could have gotten by without a penny out of my pocket. It was actually one of the best things that ever happened to me. I liquidated my modest 401K, paid the hospital, paid off my credit card debt, sold my house and moved here to Tennessee where I have been 100% debt free now for 5 years. Everything that I own is paid for.

In my life though I've known vastly more poor people who are content with their place in life than those who are willing to try to improve their lot. It is not easy to do but it is possible and I've known many who have done it. I have 2 good friends that worked their way out of the South end of Chicago. It was hard but they managed to do it. As opposed to a good friend of mine was a high school dropout. I offered to help him study and get his GED. I offered to pay for books, tests, etc... He still doesn't have a GED and probably never will. There are those that are willing to try and those who are not. So to me it is not much of a fallacy, it is part of my life experience.

A key item in your statement. "That's why those that can afford to give a little extra out of their pay should do so." But that is not what you are advocating. What you are advocating is MUST do so. I have no problem helping people get back on their feet in fact I've helped a lot of people through the years by tutoring or giving them whatever I could afford to give and I still do it today. But when the government comes in and starts talking about spreading the wealth around I start to get agitated and lately they're more concerned with spreading the wealth around than looking at ways to contain costs.
Boehner and company are trying to eliminate future medicare for anyone currently under 55 and you say they are trying to spread the wealth around. Which US do you live in anyway? Hope you have a lot of cash in your mattress. Of course you are probably over 55 so it doesn't really matter. You'll get yours when you need it.
Medicare as it is now sucks. My Father was on it, it is nothing worth defending I can tell you that. I am all for trying something new that actually works on its own with out supplemental policies. Whatever they replace it with will hopefully be better. Which is about all one can really do is hope.
I'll admit that the new health plan has some good stuff in it, but it has a lot of bad stuff too. Medicare really needs to have the supplemental built in. The current health plan is really more of a give away to the insurance companies than anything else. It is a bad compromise IMO.

The dems should have acted like republicans and pulled together. That's the problem with the dems. They are weak because they don't vote lockstep like the pubs. They're always divided.
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