Don't Wait! Start Extra Today. 4th Month Day 3

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Finished with extra. Yard work I mentioned earlier, then a leg workout.
Walking Lol GIF by Shalita Grant
To tell ya the truth I think he preferred me squishier. 🤣
But. It's my body and my health.
As long as the changes I make are healthy and positive ones he can pound sand up his a$$ if he don't like it.
Maybe it's more like a belly poke for him? Like a squishy belly finger poke to test how much extra shouldn't be there. Lol. Worked with a guy that always had his lunch ate by first break then order out.. went to dinner with them & she literally did that with a curled lip like saying "what's that?"
As one gets more fit it steps the game up for the other to get more fit.
Or like me, personal preference. Women should have curves. Fit curves.

Either way age requires more work on stuff like that. Both looking good for yourself & your other. Luckily I still haven't required a belly poke for excess measurement purposes.
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