Don't Wait! Start Extra Today. 4th Month Day 3

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Yesterday my plan was to do 10 minutes of cardio and then a targeted muscle group for 5 minutes. I picked a video that said it was 10 minutes cardio and as I was doing it thought that it was the longest 10 minutes of my life. I had to pause it at one point and saw that it was mis titled and was actually 15 minutes. 🤣
You go get your extra!!!
We e been in exile 6 weeks today, celebrated by our first rainy day. Spending the day on more infrastructure minutiae. Currently taking a break at Vagamundo between bank and health insurance appointments. 😁☔
I cannot believe how crappy I feel after just a couple of days of eating Thanksgiving food and not exercising. I don't feel like I've really overate it's just what I've ate.
It's the stuffing! I love stuffing.
And pie.
🤢 I feel like a slug.
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