Don't you just hate when someone calls you stupid ?


8 Years
Apr 30, 2011
East Tn
We just started a new computer program at work . End of the day almost done with a frustrating , semiproductive day I had to call a colleague to ask about what he had ordered & it was stated to me via speaker phone you are just trying to make me feel as stupid as you are . Now the definition of stupid is not capable of learning , where I work we are all on a learning curve with this program. The way I see it nobody is stupid everyone is capable of learning , some are more resistant to change than others. Here in good ole boy land women who catch on quicker are a threat to their manhood. However I am only in the bottom 1/2 of this learning curve & have many questions our tech support person could not beleive this person had spoken as he had. Sadly the only person embarrassed was not me & at this point he doesn't even know how embarrassed he is going to be. Also the way I see it we all put our pants on the same way no one is any better than anyone else. How does anyone else feel when other people try to make you feel inferior ?
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Eleanor Roosevelt once said that no one can make you feel inferior without your permission.

This is harder to practice than it sounds, but it is none the less true.

You are correct. People who feel the need to put others down, especially with name calling are often painfully insecure. I am human, I get hurt and angry. But, with time to catch my breath and think it through I often find myself pitying them.

If he said he thought you were trying to make him feel stupid, I suspect you had unknowingly succeeded at making him feel stupid simply by asking your question....
I am so sorry this happened to you. No person is stupid. And you are not. Hang in there. Someone who gets joy out of hurting other people eventually will get what they deserve.
It sounds like you have the right attitude: you shouldn't feel embarassed if someone is making unnecessary comments like that.

It just makes me angry when someone with nothing better to say opens their mouth.
ladyride wrote: The way I see it nobody is stupid everyone is capable of learning

terrilhb wrote: No person is stupid.

I'm sorry, but I have known some really stupid people in my lifetime-----and I do mean they were incapable of learning.

That being said, I think it was totally inappropriate for that co-worker to speak to you like that.​
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X2! I would have had to pop him in his mouth first though...
esp when on a speaker phone which is why when it is all said & done I just laugh not my big mistake . Hurt feelings pass . I am more of a professional than that but it really made me laugh his mistake may cost him dearly in the long run. Sad to say he may never get past blame laying & being defensive to see what wondeful people we really are & are there to help him not poke fun.

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