Door opening size for Silkies


5 Years
May 5, 2017
i have five 11 wk old Silkies I’m trying to integrate with my full sized gals. They’ve been kept in a dog crate inside the chicken and duck pen for weeks now. One chicken has been stalking and pecking them when I let them out in the pen. I’m having trouble moving them to the main chx house. We’re thinking of sectioning off an area in the house just for silkies.
Anyone know what size opening would accommodate adult sized silkies but not allow full size chickens in? We use a standard cat door for the big gals.
One chicken has been stalking and pecking them when I let them out in the pen.
Hi there, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow

Put that chicken in the pen and let them range with the others, for a period is my suggestion.

Silkies can vary wildly in size here in the US, making it harder to build a door that only accommodates them. Adding your general location to your profile might help peeps give best suggestions possible at a glance.

A stalk and peck isn't too terrible if it isn't relentless and no one gets cornered... I mean there's 11 of them and only 1 of her right? If she doesn't get with the program, I would consider re-homing the offender. Most often the ones with intent are lower in the pecking order already and need to establish some boundaries and have a point to make to not become even farther down the pecking order.

Hi there, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow

Put that chicken in the pen and let them range with the others, for a period is my suggestion.

Silkies can vary wildly in size here in the US, making it harder to build a door that only accommodates them. Adding your general location to your profile might help peeps give best suggestions possible at a glance.

A stalk and peck isn't too terrible if it isn't relentless and no one gets cornered... I mean there's 11 of them and only 1 of her right? If she doesn't get with the program, I would consider re-homing the offender. Most often the ones with intent are lower in the pecking order already and need to establish some boundaries and have a point to make to not become even farther down the pecking order.

Thanks! Yes I’m sure it’s because my stalker is low on the pecking order. I’ve been letting all the silkies loose in the pen all day for a week now. I’m hoping my naughty chicken gets tired of the game soon. I feel so badly for the little ones.
It would definitely have to be smaller than 9"x12".
That being said good luck finding the magic dimension.
You are in for a struggle I doubt if it exists.
That’s what I was thinking too. I’ve some larger silkies. Well maybe if I give them more time they’ll all settle down.

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