Dot has no beak.

Not weird at all, I have two hens I "rescued" that have beaks similar. I always thought that it was because they had been de-beaked when they were babies. I would wonder now if it was just where they came from. I believe beaks are bone covered with keratin (like fingernails) and if a traumatic injury were to occur to the blood vessels supplying this keratin then the outer beak would slough off, exposing bone (which may be what you saw). I wonder if you added gelatin (you can get it a GNC in pill form powdered) and added it to her food as well as some finely crushed calcium you might see quicker regrowth. However is the blood supply was extensively damaged she may not be able to re-grow it. As long as she is able to eat and keeps weight on she should be fine. I know that mine have a hard time eating from very flat surfaces so I do make sure they have extra places to get food from.

Oh and here is one of my gals----her name really is "Lips"

I got chinkens from a egg farm one has top beak cut to far and can't eat very well how far can I cut bottom?
p daddy, I'm no expert but I don't think I would cut it at all. There is good reason to believe this may be very painful for them, and it may not help. I would try moistening a little of her feed and offering it separately. I would also try offering her some regular food in a wide, shallow dish so she can sort of scoop or shovel it up. You should probably separate her so the others won't bother her while she tries to eat. Chickens will "pick on" a weak member of the flock, by instinct.

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