Double posting and posting before I've clicked submit!!

I believe our techs have found and fixed this problem!

If you continue to see errors or double posts, please reply with:

  1. A copy of the error message.
  2. Your browser and version
  3. The exact steps you took before you had the problem

Thank you :D

All has been good for a few days now and normal service has resumed :bow
I believe our techs have found and fixed this problem!

If you continue to see errors or double posts, please reply with:

  1. A copy of the error message.
  2. Your browser and version
  3. The exact steps you took before you had the problem
Thanks, seems to be working much better now!

I'm getting the new post popping up again at the bottom rather than my post showing straight away. It happened twice yesterday and twice today so far :/

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