DOUBLE yolker - yolk Hatched! Video p. 16 ** 13 Week PICS ** p. 51

A true byc miricle.
Thank you so so much for posting that. I will be following your lead on Sunday when my twins are due. I'll see if I can borrow my mom's video camera. I doubt I will be as composed as you.

Sorry to hear about the second set of twins (the one with no eyes). Considering the odds of successfully hatching twins, which you've done(!), I wouldn't fret over it. We all adore you for helping out Mary and Martha (did I get that right?).
OH! You had success in hatching two of them!
Sorry both of the others out of the second egg did not make it, but at least one did. The video you posted of the first egg was so completely awesome and you did such a good job!
They are absolutely adorable!
Congratulations to you and thank you so much for sharing that wonderful experience with everyone!
They are doing great this morning! Walking around and pecking everything!

The other one that hatched yesterday (with the dead twin) looks just like them (except not as fuzzy)!

Last night I put some bands on the twins so I wouldn't get them mixed up.

I am so impressed with the video and also your video talents. Speechless!
Hopefully those that doubted you are apologizing to you right now! DH and I watched this and we are so amazed! Thank you for sharing in your excitement and love for your chickens!
Rebecca, Thank you so much for taking the time to share your amazing experience with us. It must have been crazy to be taping the delivery and trying to keep you nerves in check while trying to get them out. I think timing was perfect in your case. Great work and instincts.

I would also like to say congrats to you for not getting ruffled by the tone this thread took there for awhile. I just tuned in today or I might never have made it to seeing the video. I usually tune out when things get, well like they sometimes get on this board. It amazes me how obnoxious some people can be. You truly are a lady and a wonderful chicken midwife. What precious babies you have.
Rebecca, the video is amazing. You had me nervous a few times with the knife though. I think I would have used tweezers. Glad eveything turned out good for them and that they are still doing fine this morning. GOOD JOB

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