Doublewide Dwellers?

I live in a very old mobile home. LOL I call it mobile because if you wanted to you could hitch it up and move it...the tires are still on it. It is a 3 bd. 2 bath single wide and in excellent shape for its age. The only thing I hate is the paneling. I need to do something about that. We bought it 8 yrs. ago on 1 1/4 acres with a brick garage and a second mobile on the back of the property for 68,000. Not joking that is all we paid. Talk about a bargain. Our property value has gone up mark ably and if we sold this place now we will have more than doubled our investment. I think we will be here for awhile though. The good news is since it is mobile it wouldn't be hard to hitch it up pull it out and put a new mobile home here. It is not the fanciest home but it is mine and my kiddo's have grown up here so I love it.
I had never been a fan of mobile/manufactured homes......grew up in big trailers trash
I have lived in 2 now..........and like you cool are they? mine to survives major winds / storms with little or no damage..... we lived in an ancient one....only 12 by 60 with one normal "closet "room and only one is unreal to me how we did it now....... we had 2 adults,4 teens and then a grandbaby by the time we got this new house... you couldn't walk the hallway with anyone lol.shoulders just about rubbed the walls !.........neighbor who bought a new one donated this one.... it is larger...and we remodeled it..not much value to land so they say..but priceless to us..... we bought our 5 acres with the old home and well and septic and electric all ready ..for only 27.000 7 years beat that !
for only 27.000 7 years beat that

WOW Okiechick. That is a great deal. Hats off to you. Now that is what I call bargin shopping.
I think it is all about is dirt cheap.reddirt cheap that is...... now worth bout 35,000 for just land.........OKC is slowly creeping up on the west side of us...... I will so be out of here when the housing projects get within a mile of us...........
I wish I lived in one. When we were looking for a home we were going to get a new triple wide but we did not own any land sooooo... we were going to buy the land and have the home put on the land, well.........the price of all they would have to do to put us in it was going to cost us well over 125,000 and we could not afford that so we bought our brick house for 80,000. If we ever sell it I'm taking the equity we make out of this house and buying a piece of land with the home already on it. There are some beautiful manufactured homes out there. Trash can live in a fine brick house to, and I hate the term Trailer Trash. Most people that have their fine brick houses probably lived in a manufactured home at some point in there lives, I know I have.
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I live in one. Dh and I bought it 3.5yrs ago for 27,500 on 2 acres. At that time was appraised close to 40,000 for the land only, so we felt like we got a great deal.

It was.. um.. 12x72 originally, but dh put a huge addition on it, so it's about twice that wide now. It's quite old, '73, so needs a ton of work still (although getting there a bit at a time).

I've never liked them, and this one really is quite ugly. But it's OURS. With the addition, we have tons of space here. Someday we plan to build a house on this property. Our land is absolutely beautiful. I have seen some Super NICE ones, though. I think 'trailer trash' is more a state of mind than where you actually live. There is nothing trashy about my family! I did have a 'friend' who treated me like we were though.. she's not my friend anymore.

LOL! Nothing mobile about ours. This baby is sunk into the ground so far that the trailer hitch on the end is buried. Not going anywhere!


Edited because: I'm sleep deprived and my post made me sound like an idiot.. I NEED MORE CAFFEINE!!
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Hey Okiechick. The land I bought isn't the red dirt or clay - it's rocks, rocks and more rocks. LOL. Digging post holes for fencing is going to be interesting. Closest town (about 6 miles) is Locust Grove. But the land just has a clearing close to the front where they have the house, coop, tool shed and feed shed. There's also about a 1 acre field in the back with a small spring fed pond. The rest is solid trees. Lots of privacy.
I know what you mean about the rock thing. We have red clay and our neighborhood was built on an old rock quarry so digging for any thing is almost impossible.
Amen to both of you!! What I hate is when you call a repairman and they say "Is it a trailer? I don't work on trailers!!" That's when I give them a piece of my mind. And as for trailer trash! Oh that so pi$$es me off. I'll compare my hubby's and my resume' with anyone!. And the workmen that we have had to our house are amazed at how insulated and sound this house is. And all they new ones are drywalled and the cabinets are beautiful. The only thing we did was to do all the upgrades we could when we ordered it because we hopefully knew that this would be the final moving we do and we wanted it to be just like we wanted it. I took a basic plan and modified it and they were fine with it. Built it just the way I ordered. And ours has gone up in value in the 2 years we've had it. But fortunately we aren't worried about depreciation anyway because we never intend to sell. And after we are gone which I hope isn't anytime soon it goes to the 4 kids and their families for a retreat home to enjoy.
So anyone that thinks "trailer trash" can go jump in a dirty goose pond!!!!

I have a nice house with a decent amount of land with no restrictions on it (I can put 3 more doublewides on my land if I want to). I may not have a $500,000 house and thank goodness I don't, who needs a house that big??? Money don't buy happiness and as far as "trailer trash" goes anyone who is ignorant enough to label someone as trash because they live in a manufactured home is the biggest piece of trash I've ever heard of. If we were POOR we wouldn't own homes...right?

I'll take my doublewide on 3 acres over a million dollar house on .14 acres any day!!

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