Dr. Z. saved my girl!

If it is one of the cecal (sp?) poos, they do stink. At least she is getting rid of it and it isn't backing up. Can you call the vet at home? I might be tempted (of course the vet is a family friend).
Trim the feathers around her butt, so it cleans up easier. Make sure she is drinking, and has vitamins etc.. in her water. i also use pedialite. For giving liquid meds I cut a piece of tubing that will fit the end of a syringe, a few inches long.( you can often find goat feeding tubes at feed stores). You want to avoid the hole right behind the tongue, so with the tube I aim for the very left or right side of the throat, passed that hole, and then squirt the meds. You can try feeding her scrambled eggs, if she won't eat, open her beak and drop a piece in till she swallows something. But if she ate the other day, just leave her be and see if she'll eat tomorrow, the vitamins in the water will help her.
You can soak her bum in some warm water in the sink or a small rubbermaid pan. It might give her some pain relief, as well as cleaning up her bottom. Then go ahead and gently blow dry her bottom, being careful to keep your hand between the blow dryer and her bottom to avoid any burns.

She may not be eating now as it's night and sleepy time. Did she eat today?
Sounds like lots of support and advice for this one. Just want to mention that when hens go broody, they can go for several days w/o eating. She does need to keep her strength up, but as long as she is kept still and food is available, I wouldn't worry to much if she doesn't eat much. Drinking on the other hand is much more important. I would also avoid aspirin as it is a blood thinner. just my thoughts.
As far as aspirin, you only do a baby aspirin once a day, but only for a few days. I had a PhD in poultry science recommend two or three twice daily when Zane was in the throes of his hock infection after his injury, but that was an extreme case. You can give it to them, however, in a small dose in a very limited way. If she doesn't seem in pain, however, you certainly don't need to do it at all and sounds like she feels a bit better since she has quit the open-mouth breathing. We all hope she recovers and gets back in the game!

That's all I can say.

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OK, it's day two of trying to get the liquid meds into Coco. I'm trying to do it the way the vet showed me, syringe over to one side but she fights it and I don't know if i'm shooting it down the wrong way and she's going to choke to death and I end up getting most of it on me anyway. I put her in a tub of warm water this AM and she didn't seem to mind that. I'm dribbling apple flavored pedialyte into her beak. I'm going to fix her some yogurt, egg, oatmeal, everything I've heard will tempt her, but so far she's not eating. Her vent looks better and I am getting the Prep H in. The vet did call me back last night at almost 9 PM (long day for her!) and is going to call this morning to see how Coco is so I take back any bad thoughts or anything bad I may have said about her. how about Poly Vi Sol? how much should I give? about 3 drops?
So far she seems O.K. she looks perky, she is a bit thin but hasn't eaten for at least a couple of days. I love her and so want her to be fine!

I gave her some small soft bread crumbs with a bit of olive oil and she's chattering, so maybe that's a good sign?
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When I was dosing my hen, I held her on my lap with a towel over her wings. I'm right handed, so I held the syringe in my right and her head with my left. Then I would carefully open her beak with my left hand and squirt the medicine in a little at a time. You don't have to get it there all in one go and choke her. She will struggle but just be patient.

If she's not eating, that's a worry. Has she only passed runny poo? It may be that more solid matter is getting backed up. Though my hen was not the best eater for about 4 or 5 days after her prolapse. Between the pain, the pain medicine, and the antibiotics, her appetite was off. But she would willingly eat the tasty stuff: scratch and broccoli leaves.

If you think poop is backing up, perhaps the vet can take out one of the 2 stitches. You think there are 2, right, one on each side of the vent?

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