Dr. Z. saved my girl!

I could put her in the garage at night and out in the coop during the day. do you think it would be a good idea to get her sister Chloe, a light grey blue cochin, to cuddle with her in the hospital cage in the garage for warmth and so she won't be alone?
I think it would be best to put her back into the coop unless she is not accepted. She would be happier with the flock and the longer you keep her from the flock, the more likely they will not accept her back gracefully.
It is best to slowly get her used to the cold temperatures. I would not just put her out in the coop with the others. Maybe I would get her a friend like you suggested to help in the garage. But if she is not accepted then she will picked on and you don't want that.

If it was up to me (but my husband wouldn't like it either) I would keep her in to make sure she is 100% better because it is very easy for her to become sick again and it could be something entirely different so just be 100% sure she is all better.
I agree with Chickenlady. I still bring Patches in at night, even though it has been two weeks since she was mauled by a dog. It's just too cold out there and she lost so many feathers that I'm afraid the cold will kill her. I let her rejoin the flock during the day, but they free range so she can get away from anyone who tries to pick at her.
Are you in a position to watch her while she is out with her Peeps? If you are, maybe you could put her out for a while (a little longer each day) during the warmest (a relative term) part of the day for a few days. I would think the temperature shock might hurt her. I can tell when my girls are too cold -- they fluff up and pull one foot at a time up under their feathers and look miserable. If she gets to looking too cold, she could go back in.
I am going with my gut and acclimating slowly. She looks great and is eating well. She looks very perky and was squawking loudly this morning, either she was bored or hungry but everything I give her, she chows down. I am off work today so can check on her often. thanks everybody!
O.K. this is the last I will talk about this but I just found out that tomorrow will be in the 40's so I think I will wait one more day to put Coco out with her peeps!
Oh good because I changed my mind and put her out!
I know I'm wacky! I got a sense that she wanted to go. She was scratching around in the hospital cage, drinking plenty of water and letting out a couple of major squawks which I took to mean "let me OUTTA here! I wanna be with my peeps!"
so when I put her in the coop she practically ran to the outside! and has been out all day. I did hook up the heat lamp and the water heater today. They have a really nice coop that my brother built three years ago and while it's not insulated, it is draft free pretty much. I think I will bring her in for tonight and then tomorrow when it's in the 40's that's going to be it. She's out there!

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