Drake crushing eggs?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 16, 2011
I asked this on another thread, but probably should have here -

Anybody ever have a problem with a duck marauding the goose nest while the goose is taking a break, to break her eggs?
I have had two of her 13 eggs busted and I suspect the Cayuga drake. I found my hens fighting over the tiny gosling carcus but I don't think any of them would have attacked the egg. They don't break and eat their own like some hens will. The drake is very aggressive with the goose - chases her all over when he gets a chance. I wondered if he might be busting up her eggs to get her off the nest? Another possibility is that the goose is somehow breaking them herself - or maybe some varmint is - but if that were the case I'd expect the varmint would eat what is inside and not leave it for the hens, and the goose herself is very good with them as far as I can tell. I really am confused and would like to fix the problem if possible.
I have the opposite problem. The drake will NOT let me near the hen without flogging the life outta me. His name is pricklet for a reason. I think we are gonna have to rehome that one.

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