Drake dismay causing rethinking?

As you are learning drake testosterone can drive them a bit nuts. I have been reading your posts and minding my own business thinking, "Soon reality will hit." Drakes are hormone driven. They will fight, over breed females, hurt females and one another, inadvertently drown females if there is swimming water. It will get worse as spring approaches. Your Dad's intervention would appear to be an excellent solution. If he is like you, I know that his culling will be humane and quick. Drake flocks can work during the non breeding season, but once spring arrives all heck will break loose. I sincerely wish you good luck with this.
I’m the one @WannaBeHillBilly was referring to. :frow
I have, as of yesterday, 7 drakes and one girl. She lives seperate with her 2 drakes, one of which is partially blind. She’s not over mated, and she is the boss.
My drake flock of 5 live on the other side. They do fight in spring and need tiny fences to coexist.
Your situation sounds a little crazy. I say that with love though. We all love our ducks, and I thank you for taking them in. I think it’s time though to get rid of some boys, unless you can give them their own area. I think eating them is a good option. @Henry&Friends said it best. You gave them a good life, even if it’s not a long one.

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