Drakes or Hens (Khaki)

It is a little early to tell but like everyone else said the "quack" is the dead give away. I have found with my Khaki's that the feathers above the tail are darker with less pencilling in my boys. This picture is of two of mine, when they were a few weeks older than yours. The boy is on the right, girl on the left.
I have also learned that the dark above the tail is a dead giveaway in any laced duck, but I'm surprised that it's not on any sexing methods websites that I've seen.
Lookin at that pic, I'm gonna take a wild shot and say thats a girl on the left, and a boy on the right. Judging by the bill and head colours and the tail area.
areynfsu, you must tell me if it turns out like that
I can't guess without pics, but if they have curly tail feathers, they are drakes, and if not, they are hens.

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