Draw the Animal Above you!

Oh! I should post a pic!
here is Daisy my OEGB.
Ermm....Somewhere where my drawing folder??:idunno:lau
I drew her then left It on my desk (which is now a large mess, my pencils, colors, erasers, papers, EVERYTHING, are on the ground...the cat knocked over the tower/shelf thing I use to organize stuff on my desk...:rant) telling myself I’d take pictures later. Clearly that never happened:gig
I’ll take them when I get home, I’m currently getting shoes put on my horse, so it may be a while! I can’t belive I forgot....:th

Actually, it’s not TOO surprising...
Here she is! Not my best work, I just wanted to get her down for you, and Sorry for the lateness, I got ready to post her, and spontaneously decided to draw in the background! Also, please ignore the VERY crooked/weird angles of the shingles, And the brown stick thing in the back, I wasn’t entirely sure what is was :gigI also turned her head, because my first draft/drawing was head on, and she looked like an alien, so I fixed it :lau

Also, I love the art you have the back!! Very cute! I also spotted a chicken down in the corner, so she’s featured as well!
Awp probably a good idea to post the next pic sorry :gig
(Jelly bean is adorable!!)

This next picture may be difficult, because it doesn’t show much of the bird, but this is Fredrick, the wild pigeon who has made his nest in the corner of that wooden gate/wall thing you see. He is the only reason that structure is still standing. He’s very loud, and his girlfriend is very shy. He eats hot dog buns every now and then when they get tossed out to the chickens. I think he’d enjoy his portrait hung up in the weaved part of the gate/fence/wood thing!:lau


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