
I just looked at them on your page. They're really good!
Thanks so much! I wish I had more sane-quiet time to draw more often but I have 4 boys in the house and work from home too. This is a great thread. I love seeing everyone elses work!
Hooookaaaaay. Lol, this is gonna be an insane post, but I DID say I was gonna go through and find pictures for you and put them up here.

Birdnut: Thank you! Lol, yeah, that one's a chocobo. XDD I thought it was appropriate given the forum...

This first batch are all from 2010, but I don't recall exactly when. Most were pencil sketches photographed, uploaded, and digitized using Paint.NET. Didn't bother fully shading most of these just because...I'm lazy. Lol.




This next lot is just a bunch of 150x150 pixel tags, done in Paint.NET. Some of them were originally paper sketches transferred to the computer and digitally re-done. Got about 20 layers of coloring and shading in each of these, lol. All of these were done in late 2010 up to the present (the most recent being the gryphon. I'd be using it as my tag but I didn't want to ruin it by re-sizing; I didn't mind re-sizing the chocobo one I'm using now just because it's older).

These two are regretfully terrible pictures of two messenger bags I decorated for a couple overseas friends for christmas gifts one year. Won't even tell you how much shipping cost, but they liked the bags. Sorry for the bad pictures, but it was an old camera--and there's not really any way to photograph iridescent paints and actually get the colors to look right, lol.


This was done in 2010. Freehanded woodburning of a bluejay.

More awful photographs of drawings, lol. No scanner! These were...2007, I think. The top three were all a mechanical pencil, since I did them all at school, lol. When I should have been doing work...



Painting from...ehh...2006 or 2007.

This was ink. I used a mechanical pencil to do a vague outline and inked the rest freehanded. 2007 I think. Unfinished.


Laaaast one. Was a picture done for my dad for christmas in...2008 or 2009. I think 2008. 14''x11'' freehanded with mechanical pencil.

Whoo. Sorry for having so many. :hmm;;; Now, the crazy part is that I actually left a lot of them out of this...lol.
Egg Rookie, thanks.
Having a variety of mediums is the best! Keeps things from getting boring. I tried to only include drawing-relevant media, though.
What media do you work in?
I do NO computer art...but I do nearly every other type of art you can name....pencils, all paints, woodcraft, clay, fabric...beading...never a dull moment and always a new idea. I posted just a few things I do. Scrolling through this thread I see so many different types of drawing too. I am really into wildlife and I see you like the fantasy. I do not have that kind of vision to create a new creature. I can only repeat the ones I am familiar with.
It's fun to do tons of different things...sometimes if you have no inspiration for one, you'll find it for another, and finishing one project can motivate you for another.
I love drawing. There are some very nice drawings on here. They are all great. I like the eagle Sen, and I love the alien
Here are some of my drawings. They're not very good, but they are better than what I drew when I was 5 yrs old!:
In this one I tried making a shadow for the 10000000000 time.

This is not my best alien drawing but it's the only one I have on my computer.

On my other computer I have some drawings I did in the paint program.
Of course! I just took a quick photo, because I thought you might call it something different across the pond there.
Hope this helps!!


Pinky, I like your picture of the birds! Another Aliens fan, huh? XDD My friend loves 'em. Myself, I root for the predators!
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