Dream Flock - What's yours?

Dream Flock(s) for me is kind of what I'm working on building now for my second 30+years (hopefully) in poultry. Small but sustainable SOP flocks of one breed from each APA recognized class (my goal since I was a kid was a sweep of champion row) and those breeds will be popular ones in good places and will serve as the backbone and economic part of the farm, and for each one of those breeds the goal is to sell enough to support a rare breed in need of improvement and conservation, and those breeds and genetics would be shared freely with anyone with interest and plans to breed them. For example breeding and selling really good Langshans to support a Cubalaya or Malay or something program.
I’d love to have a quality flock of 50-80 LF Buff Chanteclers and support them in a bid for APA recognition. On the side, I’d like to mess around a bit with Ermine or Silver Ameraucanas, also LF.

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