Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Got the rest of the cedar boards installed. Another "easy" project that wasn't. In order to screw two of the boards to the deck support posts, I had to lie on my stomach under the deck and the wooden steps. I wasn't happy about having to put my face in the dirt -- especially when I realized I couldn't bring my left arm up close enough to use the drill.

Eventually, I managed, although my sister had to grab my jeans and pull me out from underneath the deck. Also, an immovable concrete planter made it impossible to fully insert some of the screws. A trip to Menards and a set of $1.67 offset screwdrivers did the trick. BTW, I asked Carolyn to take photos of the process; she took photos of my backside, stuck under the deck. Not really what I had in mind. lol.

Today, she will spot me while I climb a ladder to add some color to the one unpainted piece of fiber cement siding that some of Jim's friends installed on the south, gabled end of the garage. Why they used it instead of one of the pieces I painted is beyond me. Knowing that group, alcohol may have been involved.

Is your weather crazy in Wisconsin, too? It's going to be in the high 80's today with a 90-degree day predicted for next week.
Is your weather crazy in Wisconsin, too? It's going to be in the high 80's today with a 90-degree day predicted for next week.
Yes! We had 60s this weekend and then 80s today through mid week next week and then back downtown 60s. Right now 53F but 95% humidity.

Glad you got your cedar boards done ;)

Bought a car that needs some fixing for our oldest for the winter, so helping DH with that the next couple days. Biggest part will be doing the head gaskets.

Heading to an apple orchard with the girls this weekend, so that is what I am looking forward to
My garden looks done for the year. Stuff is dried up, and looks done producing so I will need to pull everything up, and prep it for next year. Might wait for cooler weather though.

We are finally getting some sweet corn. Deer are taste testing a lot of the ears, so my harvest its as big as I had hoped. Maybe next year. The deer are helping themselves to a lot of stuff in our yard this year.

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