Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Jim, isn't that the case? I can't tell you how many apple trees I've purchased. I can tell you my success rate is Extremely Low. My best success was a Honeycrisp that had just started producing apples the summer before rabbits climbed the fencing over frozen drifts, girdled and killed the tree that winter.

I've planted heirlooms and modern varieties, all failures -- and two of the tree apple trees that were here when I bought the property have since died. I refuse to give up -- planted two more apple trees last year.

BUT, last summer I saw what I thought was a rogue apple tree, and I had my sister confirm my identification of the sapling. Of course, it's chosen to grow smack dab in the middle of one of my perennial flower beds! If it lives, it will likely kill off the sun-loving flowers.

Eleanor, the Maran who suffered bumblefoot and frostbite at Christmas, is growing some fresh, pink skin. First, it was only on the tops of her feet. Now, I'm seeing pink on the soles of her feet. I am relieved and thrilled -- especially since I saw the BYC posting with a frostbit chicken that lost its feet!

I found some cheaper vet wrap and less expensive Epsom salt. So the twice-daily soakings will continue, along with the burn ointment, and all the remaining meds. As she recovers, she is letting me know how much she does not appreciate my nursing skills. I figure she's entitled to wing-slap me in the face. Ultimately, it's my fault her feet got messed up.
Been an up-and-down week. Michael came over from Prairie du Chien to get more of Jim's stuff to sell at the Oshkosh trade fair. A good friend came over yesterday with a lovely almond flour cake and lemon curd she'd made, and we had a great visit.

My jerk rooster, Billy Boy, got frostbite on his wattles during the blizzard. Went out yesterday and it looked like a bloodbath in the coop as they were falling off. I couldn't stop the bleeding. So off I went to the vet with two birds; Eleanor already had an appointment for her frostbitten feet.

Eleanor is who was "nearly dead" is "heading in the right direction," said Dr. M and has another appointment on the 23rd. Dr. M is much more thorough in sloughing off the necrotic tissue; I am concerned about being too rough on poor Eleanor. I saw a LOT of chicken blood yesterday.

On my way to and from the vet's, I realized the mechanic was right in December. My front brakes are going out. Tomorrow, I will take my Focus to the dealership and hope the rotors are still okay.

Looks like my budget is out the window!
Yeah Barb, it seems like cars and animals can
sense when you might have a little extra cash
to spend on them.
I went to the dentist and had a permanent crown
put on a tooth. the nurse told me that her husband
drove to Colby from Wausau early in the morning.
the fog had frozen on hwy 29 , he saw four semis
laying on their sides.
You would think that professional drivers
would have more savvy ..
This has been a crazy winter. Seems the snow melting off is becoming normal around here.

I put in my order with Totally Tomatoes for a few new varieties to try. Plan to start picking up seeds as soon as they are in the store. I'm getting itchy to plant. I know it's only wishful thinking for January.

Barb sorry about your chickens. Hopefully they heal up soon. Glad you have a vet that will see them.

Jim I hope your new tooth is feeling great. Those roads have been treacherous lately with freezing rain.
2 AM. slept for about an hour. woke up thirsty.
Having a "girlie" beer. Corona. That's what my
Mexican friends call it. I don't care, I like how it
My new crown is OK. still pretty sensitive
to cold. that will subside as time goes by.
there is a thin layer of snow on the parking
area. I would like to scrape it , but I don't
want to expose ice if there is any underneath.
a red squirrel was on the deck yesterday.
not happy about that.

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