Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

good morning,
Barb , are you up early ? or still up ?
I woke up at 3:44am. couldn't get back to sleep.
I didn't nap yesterday, either.
too dark to tell what the weather is doing here.
supposed to get some freezing rain and then snow.
I hope our electricity doesn't go out again.
I could use some of that TLC the chicken is getting.
I go see the osteopath today. 2nd appointment.
the first appointment did me a lot of good.
I am always up early; today it was 3:10 a.m. For years, I had to get up at 4:20 when I worked at the newspaper. Now, my dogs and whiny cat (wrongly) believe I still enjoy the experience. Or, they just want early breakfast.

Hope your electricity stays on.

Miss Eleanor managed to pull off the wrap on one foot. I couldn't get vet wrap anywhere yesterday, so maybe the human grade stuff just doesn't work as well. I am willing to do whatever is necessary to help her recover.

Best wishes for success with the osteopath today. When I was a kid, we didn't have any MD's in my hometown. All of our caregivers were osteopaths.
Jim, Barb and Lisa--- happy belated Christmas and New Years!!!! My kids and hubby were off for 2 weeks, so I joined them and disconnected for it all and enjoyed every cold and snowy minute of it. But I am BACK!!!

We are in the middle of yet another snow storm but it is 32 out so feeling good. I think we have about 10 inches so far, heading out to snow blow for the second time in a few. I guess it is pretty, especially when I don't need to go anywhere and kids are home ;)

That brutal cold gave 2 hens some frostbite but thankfully that was it. The babies (if you can call them that at almost 11 weeks) are still not weaned from the mamas and sleeping under them on the roosts, lol.

I have been researching, reading and planning for spring. Anyone ever order trees through the WI DNR? It looks like a decent price, just wondering about quality.

Take care and talk soon
I have been researching, reading and planning for spring. Anyone ever order trees through the WI DNR? It looks like a decent price, just wondering about quality.
Years ago we got them through our local extension office. Not sure if it was the same as the DNR. The plants were small, but most have survived. I'd trust the DNR to have plants that will thrive for our area. Nursery plants seem to die often, and are more likely to be grafted which doesn't always work with our colder temperatures.

A vacation from the internet is always a good thing and we are reminded what is really important.
when we were in 4H with our kids, we ordered
seedlings from the DNR. Pine and Maple.
they were excellent stock.
Nurseries have gone nuts on their prices.
Rhubarb sets are almost $12.oo each.
I can buy apples for the rest of my life for what
a potted tree costs.
I've given up on Apple trees. They don't do well, and when they do the deer eat everything off them. I just buy apples in the store too. Much cheaper and easier.
I planted lots of apple trees . the only two I
have left are the two that grew from a discarded
apple along the way. the expensive ones all
either died or got eaten..
yesterday I made a kettle of chili. I put too
much macaronni in it. had to add a quart
of liquid after it was done cooking.. I don't even
like the mac. but everybody else wants it.

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