Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

So my older babies are going to be trouble? We had to remove the dominant gander when they were babies because he was determined to kill them. Sounds like I've made myself some more trouble. I did notice the adults have been chasing them off since they started a new nest.
I would watch them very closely.
If the older ones are "teenagers" they might be trouble.
Some of mine would run across the yard to attack the babies.
Even though the goose was with the babies. It must be a survival instinct.. or just jealousy..
Thanks for the heads up Jim. Babies will be kept separately for a while. The older ones are teenagers now. I should have known I was making myself some trouble. Husband may be eating young ganders. We will see. :)
Thanks for the heads up Jim. Babies will be kept separately for a while. The older ones are teenagers now. I should have known I was making myself some trouble. Husband may be eating young ganders. We will see. :)
Yummm, in 1963 I flew home from Germany on KLM Dutch airline. My meal was roast gosling. A whole one
with all the trimmings. One of the best meals I ever ate. I doubt they do that any more.
My husband made some jerky out of some of my ducks and geese in his smoker. I'm not sure why people don't eat geese very often. They are a sustainable source of meat since they mostly eat grass and greens. I've seen what too many ganders do to the goose so extra will need to go in the freezer. The rest will be pets unless they make troubles.
when we decided to get rid of all of our geese, we took a dozen of them to Dorchester. The Amish butcher did them for us. I like goose and duck.
We butchered 72 muscovy ducks one fall. we did it in four batches on four weekends. had to buy an apartment sized freezer to put them in.
How did you like the rain today?
we were driving home from Merrill in it. tornado warnings all around us. I never drove through a storm like that before. it was intense.
Muscovy can multiple rapidly. Be nice to have someone to take extras to. Now I point and say to my husband "you can eat that one".

We didn't need all that rain. We are getting overrun here. We didn't get much for storms luckily. Just another dousing of rain, and no Jeopardy because the satellite went out.

Glad you made it through it Jim. I bet that was scary. Did you pull over or white knuckle through it?

We are going to get some sweet corn planted even if it kills us. Probably just use a hoe. Ground us pretty wet. If nothing else I will throw the seed in anger and hopefully it germinates. Hopefully by this weekend.

I was looking at my juvenile geese this evening. Turned to walk away and one of the young ganders acted like he was gonna get me. I told him he's the first to go. Thankfully they are behind a fence. They are getting cheeky. I see they are chasing chickens already.
I don't drive anymore. I have glaucoma and can't see well enough to drive.
Annie does all the driving.
When we started out I told her to take it easy because as hard as it was raining, there might be deep water on the road. Once I hit a stretch of water and my car hydroplaned. Never want to do that again. So with her fearless driving, I white knuckled it.
I used to sit on a chair and hand feed bread to the geese . usually the ganders would be the friendliest. I never had a mean goose. I did have a mean rooster and a Tom turkey though. A guy wanted the turkey so I sold it. the rooster was delicious. lolol
the sun is coming out. today I am going to try to get the brush cutter put onto the weed whacker.
I might try mowing around the house. I have to see how wet and squishy it is. I also need to pull up the rest of the radish and poke some green bean seeds in.
I checked the grapes today. It has been a few days since I did that.
the rain and heat are doing their job.
I have lots of pruning to do and weeding, too. and some tying up.
We ordered a cordless hedge trimmer from Best Buy today. It should get here by Tuesday. We are going to cut down burdock, thistles and pig weed with it. can also do lawn trimming with it. that will be handy between and next to the grape vines. a lot safer than using the string trimmer.
I rode the lawnmower around the yard. didn't mow , it was not squishy .
I got most of the main lawn mowed. Gotta go over it again tomorrow. Lots of missed stuff. It was tall and thick. Left the wet areas. Hopefully they dry out by tomorrow. Husband got the bigger field cut for hay. Hopefully dries by Sunday. I'm realizing I live on "Hopefully" a lot. :lol:

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