Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

I guess after the last few dryer years, and now a very wet spring our state bird the mosquito has returned with an angry vengeance.

ted-ed animation GIF
Mosquitos haven't been so bad here (although I have gotten a couple of good bites to the face, despite wearing a netted hat). But the wood ticks are out in full force -- not, of course, in the areas where the chickens, ducks and geese feast. Both sister and I, as well as the mama cat, have had ticks on us.

Kittens, who will be five weeks old tomorrow, are becoming more brave -- and possibly cuter -- every day. They will be weaned soon, and I will have to make decisions about what to do with them.

It looks like it's now NOT supposed to rain today. I was kind of looking forward to a day without mowing. If it's nice out, and I'm not cutting grass, I will feel guilty. Yesterday, the electric mower and I spent some more time together; I can't use the rider around all the coops.

When I got the repaired rider back, I took a fast ride across most of the property but haven't yet mowed out past the barn. No one goes back there, but it looks terrifyingly unkempt and could be hiding who knows what. Two days ago, I spotted a whitetail leaping over the fence.

BTW, the guy who fixed the mower gave me a cash price -- and extracted a promise of more duck eggs this summer. I will happily oblige if it keeps me on his good side. :)
I had a good day on Saturday.
I worked on the drill press. bought hand knobs for the tilt mechanism. they would not screw onto the bolts. I tried everything and finally decided that the bolts are metric. so, I put the one good original handle on and also put the threaded part of the broken handle on. I don't tilt the table , If I ever decide to, I can use a vise grip to turn the broken one.
then I drilled a hole through the end of the rack gear. cut off the threads of a large diameter wood screw. Used the unthreaded portion as a peg and stuck it into the hole. wrapped a large hose clamp around the drill press pole and over the screw peg. It WORKS !!! the gear no longer slides down the pole.. I saved $75.OO BY NOT BUY8ING A NEW RACK GEAR.
THEN i sanded the pole and sprayed wd40 on it.
cleaned it off and lubed it with 3in1 oil.
Now I have to quit playing around and get at making the slats for my sister's park bench.
it's going to be a rainy weekend.
Annie is mowing some lawn before the rain comes

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