Dressage Riders

Celtic Hill

9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
Scotland CT
Just wondering who rides dressage? I have been doing dressage with my horse since the end of the summer, before her i had an off the track TB that was showing Third before he was sold. He was really awesome, but i got him when he was older (late twentys) so i couldn't do alot with him. But we did our lateral work a couple times during a lesson i got 4 Tempies down the center line. Now ive been working with my Irish Sport Horse and Trainer!
I've done dressage in the past but haven't competed at in it over 2 years, I sold the horse that enjoyed it. My endurance horse, sadly, sees no point in trotting in circles no matter how much I vary the pattern. DD did a walk only test at a schooling show last summer and came in 3rd. Highest I've ever competed was First Level Test 1. With my dressage horse, we earned 6 points for our Legion of Honor in dressage alone.

I also do take an occasional dressage lesson to keep myself and my horse primed even though I no longer compete at it.
I ride dressage! I lease a really wonderful Hanoverian gelding who I competed at third this last year. I will hopefully be purchasing him from his owner some time this winter which I'm very excited about. Either way we'll be back out next season at third, and hopefully a show or two at 4th by the end of summer!

Here he is:

Showing this summer:

Schooling last year:

New picture I took last week... Boy does he need to be clipped!!!


Do you have pics of your horse?
That is awesome! At what level do they start riding in a full bridle? Our first dressage show as supposed to be last month but due to an injury she was layed up and wasn't ready for the show.

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