Dried mealworms

It depends where you get them from. In small quantities the right mealworms are fine. I've read you shouldn't buy the huge bulk ones but ones specifically for chickens as the bulk ones are grown industrially with chemicals etc that can harm your chickens. Idk if anyone else has read this?
The chemicals is the premise behind the ban in EU.
Mealworms are treats. The general rule is that "treats" should not exceed 10% of the diet, by weight, daily.

Live/frozen mealworms aren't terrible, due to their high water content (60% +).

Dehydrated meal worms, because their nutritional factors are concentrated, can EASILY imbalance a diet. Dehydrated mealworms are usually offered nutritional estimates of 45-50% protein (that's good), 25-30% fat (that's VERY bad). So offering 1/10th of the daily ration (10-12g) as mealworm treats likely increases the daily protein consumption around 4.5%, AND brings up the fat around 2.5%. Since the target fat for a poultry diet is around 3.5%, adding another 2.5% is much more damaging than a 4.5% increase in protein is beneficial.

and if, as most do, you feed more than 10% (by weight)??? Then the calculations are even further imbalanced.

and for those who might briefly think that the addition of dried mealworms helps turn their cheap 16% layer into slightly more expensive 20% All Flock (setting aside the excess calcium from the layer, and the excess fat from the mealworms)? Please tell me where you are finding dried meal worms for $2-3/bag? $6-8 per lb is more common...

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