Droopy Right Wing


Jul 10, 2022
I have 2 roughly year old Welsh Harlequin ducks, one seems to have their right wing drooping a bit. I've read up on angel wing and saw that it most commonly occurs in the left or both wings and rarely just the right. So I am wondering if that's what this is or if it is something else. I also have a Pecan Drake who does not sleep with them and when he gets aggressive with mating he gets separated entirely from them. They also have the run of the back yard, and have both duck pellets and flock raiser. she doesn't appear to be in pain but she also doesn't seem to flap the wing at all either. Any advice is greatly appreciated
Doesn't appear to be angel wing. Maybe an injury? Sometimes after molting all their flight feathers and they begin to grow back full of blood theiy will droop their wings then adjust but they usually keep working on adjusting until they have the muscle to hold them up properly. She doesn't look to be in molt so makes me think maybe an injury. You could wrap like angel wing and see if in a couple days she is better
Doesn't appear to be angel wing. Maybe an injury? Sometimes after molting all their flight feathers and they begin to grow back full of blood theiy will droop their wings then adjust but they usually keep working on adjusting until they have the muscle to hold them up properly. She doesn't look to be in molt so makes me think maybe an injury. You could wrap like angel wing and see if in a couple days she is better
Thanks for the advice. I wrapped her wing for 24 hours then took it off and it was still drooping so I wrapped it again for a week, still drooping though.
Can you unfold the wing and look for injury or maybe a break? I imagine you already have but thought I’d ask
I have yes but didn't see anything that stuck out to me, she also didn't act like it hurt when I unfolded it. It was shakey though.
If she has sprained it they can take a while to heal. When she isn't wrapped can she adjust it at all? like, put it back where it is supposed to be?
It doesn't seem like she likes to move it at all. I felt around again and it felt the same as her left wing.
Maybe it's painful. I don't know but it can take a while for an injury to heal if a vet is an option maybe go that route.
Are you still wrapping? And she won't try and adjust the wing?
I'll have to look and see if my vet takes ducks. I just wrapped it again today after letting unwrapped for a week to see if she would adjust it. Didn't seem like she did and I just rewrapped it
Sprains can take time to heal but since we don't know for sure what is going on and your vet will take a look at her that would probably be best to give you peace of mind and help her.

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