Drop in egg production?


12 Years
May 2, 2011
Yucca Valley
I hear how most peoples hens have a drop in egg production in the winter. I have 3 hens laying and my egg production did not drop until about 2 weeks ago. I was getting 3 eggs a day. Now I am getting one egg every other day. They are getting all you can eat lay pellets, the occasional handful of scratch and kitchen scraps. Isn't it a little late to be going into winter production mode? They are Buff Orpingtons and are 10 months old.
They could be going into early molt. I have 10 month olds also and a few of them just started a mini-molt. Thankfully I have a lot of chickens to partially take up the slack. :)
IMO, It has to do with light. I had a drop in production too with 15 layers. It went to 1-2 day. put a red heat lamp in the coop at nite and after about a week it started to pick back up to almost 8-9/day. now if I could figure out how to make them stop eating the eggs......
IMO, It has to do with light. I had a drop in production too with 15 layers. It went to 1-2 day. put a red heat lamp in the coop at nite and after about a week it started to pick back up to almost 8-9/day. now if I could figure out how to make them stop eating the eggs......

Duck tape! LOL

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