Dropped egg (and cracked open) 2 days before hatch!! Is it hopeless?


Jul 28, 2016
San Diego
Hey all- so... I just did the unthinkable. I couldn't leave well enough alone and was candling the fertile eggs under my broody one last time before hatch. One of my chickens flew up and knocked an egg off the counter. It fell and cracked open. I quickly wrapped it in a wet paper towel and put it in my nice toasty incubator (where I've also got fertile eggs 2 days away from hatch). Is it hopeless? should I do something different?!? of course it's one of the two I'm MOST looking forward to seeing!
You could try to put candle wax on the crack i haven't done it before but I've read others that have i think some said they took the wax off on day 18
Hope this helps!

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