drunk chickens

omg thanks this is an important piece of info, are there any other things that are poisonous to chickens?
We have sparrows here that do the same thing! It's crazy watching them eat the berries and then be fluttering all over.

The most "drunk" bird I've seen is a humming bird. They hibernate at night. We didn't know one made a nest on top of our porch light (bad choice for hibernating bird!). The first time we turned the porch light on to walk someone to their car, it was buzzing and weaving all over our porch and bonking into things. Poor bird. She made her nest there for 3 years in a row and we could watch the mommy feeding the babies through the window in our house. We would also use a broom stick with a mirror to look at the eggs and babies. Can't say we never turned the porch light on by accident, but not too many other times. We pretty much just quit using the front door, and used the garage door instead.
Our little chihuahua, Elsa, loves beer! She will knock over the cans if she can and drink as fast as she can until we come drag her away. It's like "hurry drink fast!"
I had a party one night and my 85 pound rescue husky/shepherd mix was cadging beer from people all night long (unbeknownst to me -- she didn't do it when I was in the room) and, after people left, she drank out of the cups that people left on the ground by knocking them over and lapping it up as fast as she could; she apparently had a hangover the next day, and didn't really want to get up off the couch.

From then on, I made sure everyone knew NOT to give her beer, and not to leave any drinks around where she could get them, because she definitely liked the stuff!
She was a food-hound already (had been digging into trashcans when the SPCA picked her up), so I knew to keep the appetizers out of reach, but I never thought about the beer (I can't stand the stuff) . . . .

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