d'Uccle Cult

I got a couple pics tonight. It’s hard to see with the camera angles, but both have a teensy bit of red at the base of their combs 😩 I have someone interested in taking them both if I don’t want to keep them…but they’re so pretty and I want them 😢😩😢
OMGeeze they are so precious! I'd wait and make 100% sure they aren't girlees!!!
They aren't obvious cockerels. I wouldn't get rid of them quite yet.

On another note Crimson my Mille fleur crowed this morning! It was so adorable!
Yeah, I'm trying not to write them off, but my luck with chickens has been the ones I like the most and want to keep the most...are always boys. It's like the universe laughing :p :) I may keep one anyway, as I have a MF hen...but still! :D It's the principle of the matter haha.

I do love first tiny crows from the boys, it always makes me smile :) Those teeny tiny birds with such big confidence!
Poor Tuff got bitten quite a bit by some bug that likes my large combed birds every spring/summer. His comb was very bloody yesterday, they always go for the base at the back of the head. Poor guy. My RIR hen always gets bitten badly as well. No idea what kind of bug it is, they have wings and are light brown
Hmmm that is a long time to wait for an egg!! I know that some bantams are rather slow to lay and anything that causes any amount of stress can cause them to not lay as well. I am not familiar with d’Uccle egg laying as I only have one and I too have never seen her lay, although she squats for me rather readily. I think as long as she’s acting normal the time will come! Any chance she is lying but you think it’s someone else’s eggs? I have a bunch of bantams and they are not good at laying in a favorite spot…so I never know who’s eggs are who’s!
yes, Im sure she's not laying. I think she may be confused, she is acting like a rooster, coming to look for feed when I come, and then clucking loudly to show she's found something good. Just like a rooster. But she was only one of 4 and I know she is a female, although she did not develop quite the same or on the same timeline ... maybe she has both genders? maybe that is why she can't lay an egg? Ive been hoping she is just a late bloomer but.... maybe she will be eggless

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