D'uccle Thread

I just wanted to show off my baby Wombles, my very first Belgian d'Uccle and not the last as I now have 5 of them. I brought this little girl from a privet seller who new nothing about chickens and had cages full of them! I had never seen anything like these chickens before they had such character about them, but Wombles was the odd one out and so being me I pick her and took her home. I remember she looked nothing like she does in the photo now, almost no white and very little black and her feathers, all destroyed and covered in who knows what she was such a mess! But I look at her now and the way she comes up to me! I don't think I will ever quite get over the personality of this breed so much spunk and character for such a little chicken!
Two questions.

At what age did your roos start crowing?

Also at what age did your pullets comb start getting pink?

I'm worried I have a roo and both my Mille fleur 'a are so sweet.

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