Duck’s belly comes to a point?


Apr 12, 2020
Lake Charles, Louisiana
Hi everyone! Can anyone please tell me why my 11-12 week old female Pekin’s belly is shaped like this? I have read about water belly but didn’t think that’s what hers looked like because it is more v-shaped than extended. I also read that females will be extended in that area if they are egg bound but I thought she was still too young to lay. I tried to feel of it as best as she would let me and I only feel feathers. Could it just be that her feathers are coming in funny? She acts perfectly normal.
Are your ducks in that pen all day?
I was just trying to find a picture that showed the point of their bellies and help the OP. That picture was taken in late spring after several days of rain and widespread flooding. Yes, they are let out into "that pen" all day. The picture below was five minutes ago.
I think that is just where they store fat. Sort of like a ducky version of a spare tire. All my girls kind of have it. I probably am too generous with their feed.View attachment 2181747
Thank you for your response! I will try to cut back on her peas lol! My other girls are more rounded so I wasn’t sure if I should worry about her.

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