Duck Addicts Anonymous (DAA)

Do you have too many ducks?

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I agree! They are really cute in their own way. I love to watch them. Anytime I have an old egg, I leave it out for the opossum.
Aw, I don't have a pig anymore so I might do that just to see if he'll take it.
Now if I could only remember if I read this in real life or if it was in a dream 🤷🏻‍♀️
I have so many dreams that feel real but I wake up and I'm like "shoot, I was emotionally invested in that one"🤣
I keep dreaming that I've bought a bunch of rabbits and then forgotten about them😭
Sometime soon I'll be getting another 4 ducks. There's a pair of Cayugas, a fawn and white Indian Runner drake and a mix duck. There could possibly be more but not sure. The lady is selling her farm and we've said we'll take the ducks. They've also got chickens but they're all mutts so not getting those unless there is one or two that they can confirm they're pure breeds.

With these extra ducks and getting rid of 5 of our current 8 because they're all drakes (the pretty ones of course. The plain ones are all ducks obviously) we'll have 5 ducks and 2 drakes. Being raised together the drakes will be fine. They have less ducks at the moment and are fine.
"Lady, why are you taking pictures of us?"

I separated my runners a few days ago so I can start egg collecting in a few weeks. I'm going to hatch some for a friend.
I know this is a duck related thread, but I thought I’d share my goose egg incubation with you guys. I’m ten days in and two were duds of six in total. I’ll share a pic below. I’m really hopeful that the four fertile eggs hatch! View attachment 3020313
What type of geese? I'm waiting on some 6 Pilgrim babies from Bell's Conservancy. They will be my first geese. Also keeping my eyes open for Pomeranian Geese, in show or breeder quality, but they are really hard to find!

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