duck advice


5 Years
Feb 5, 2015
hello! i am a backyard poultry lover and i currently have 14 chickens. i would love to get ducks next spring but i have a couple questions about breeds and care and whatnot.
so i did some research and decided i want khaki campbells but then i started seeing people say that they are loud, and i do have close neighbors so a somewhat quieter duck would be good, but if they are no louder than chickens then i shouldn't have a problem. i also want a duck who is a good layer and has a good temperament.
if you have khakis, how loud are they? do you like their temperament? are they good layers?
another question is how much space (coop+run) would 4-6 ducks need? does the same rule for chickens of 10 sq ft of run and 4 sq ft of coop space apply to ducks?
thank you in advance!
Congrats on getting ducks! Khakis can be loud, but really no louder than other breeds in my experience, except of course for muscovies. The females will be loud and have quite a loud quack, but only when excited. The only time my females ever quack loudly is to greet me when I'm entering the yard, or when getting off the nest when broody. The rest of the time they are no louder than my hens.

Khakis can be a little skittish and are a bit higher strung than other breeds such as pekins and welsh harlequins, but not extremely so. They are excellent layers. The same space rules as chickens apply, but as always, the more space you can do, the better.
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