Duck and Chicken shoe Info...


Enslaved by Indoor Ducks
11 Years
Nov 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
For all those who have been contacting me about my ducks shoes, I thought it'd be easier to just write a topic. I am the one who makes them, though I am not currently making them. I just started back to work as a teacher and have not been able to make them yet available. They will be soon, so keep an eye out in my siggy for info!

Thanks everyone!

Hi, Nettie!

Take care!
Can't wait until you can get going on shoes again! I have a pekin who's been in need of a pair for some time.

Congrats on the job! I know it's hard to juggle so much at once, but when you're ready there will be at least one Clumsy Duck waiting!
Can't wait until you can get going on shoes again! I have a pekin who's been in need of a pair for some time.

Congrats on the job! I know it's hard to juggle so much at once, but when you're ready there will be at least one Clumsy Duck waiting!

I have a heavy clumsy muscovy who is in need of some too.
I am SO glad to hear that you may be making more of these..I really need a left foot medium for my runner who had surgery today on her bumble...this is the third time we've had her to the vet for this's been impossible to keep her foot dry and clean, try as I may with the gauze pads and tape...I'll buy several pair of the shoes as soon as you have time to make them again!

all the best with teaching!
Id really love to get some too. I live in the UK and i have 2 beautiful rouen ducks which are almost a year old (1 year old on July 27th). i have some videos online of them if anyone is interested. there are alot of videos of pet ducks but im certian i have something many havent seen. ive got some clips of them on the bus and train. please take a look and leave a comment :D ENJOY

Hello my duck has bumble foot and I need some boots for them so I can keep the medication on without them getting dirty.

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