Duck attacked by predator not sure how to bandage or medicate

She doesn't like her picture being taken but Daffy is doing much better! She did end up getting a small infection on day 3 so we did a couple more days of penicillin and it cleared up. The wound is closing remarkably fast and she is starting to act herself again. I have given her 2 salt water baths and for now I am still giving her the pain medacine but she does not seem in a panic every time it is time for the next dose so I think I can stop it in a couple days too. Thank you everyone for your advice and support!


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Update: Daffy is alive and well! She has grown back almost all of her feathers and although she sometimes has the effected wing slip down her side, she is able to keep it where she wants it most of the time so I don't think to much damage was done. She flaps and plays just like our other 2 ducks. Her chest will probably always have a divit in it but if her feathers keep coming in like they are, you would otherwise never know! Amazing how far she has come in 6 weeks!!
What amazing news! We all rooted for you Daffy and you stayed strong! We knew you would. So glad to hear shes doing better. :hugs
Update: Daffy is alive and well! She has grown back almost all of her feathers and although she sometimes has the effected wing slip down her side, she is able to keep it where she wants it most of the time so I don't think to much damage was done. She flaps and plays just like our other 2 ducks. Her chest will probably always have a divit in it but if her feathers keep coming in like they are, you would otherwise never know! Amazing how far she has come in 6 weeks!!
Excellent update :)
You are a super duck parent !!
I've dealt with a number of wounds from various causes. I used to apply liberal amounts of hydrogen peroxide first, or Betadine first. These days, I've had much better results with salt water. I make it strong enough to taste like the ocean (best way I can describe it), then I soak, douse, or drench every few hours depending on how the patient (chicken, dog, cat, etc) is doing.
I also put the patient inside a quiet, dark, climate controlled room in a large cat crate lined with potty pads (dog supply section), a bowl of nutrient/vitamin C water, and a little wet food. I have found that if they drink and then eat within 24 hours, they're probably gonna make it. But that salt water has been a real miracle--bacteria don't do well in salt solutions.

Bless your ducky! May he make a speedy recovery.
I've dealt with a number of wounds from various causes. I used to apply liberal amounts of hydrogen peroxide first, or Betadine first. These days, I've had much better results with salt water. I make it strong enough to taste like the ocean (best way I can describe it), then I soak, douse, or drench every few hours depending on how the patient (chicken, dog, cat, etc) is doing.
I also put the patient inside a quiet, dark, climate controlled room in a large cat crate lined with potty pads (dog supply section), a bowl of nutrient/vitamin C water, and a little wet food. I have found that if they drink and then eat within 24 hours, they're probably gonna make it. But that salt water has been a real miracle--bacteria don't do well in salt solutions.

Bless your ducky! May he make a speedy recovery.
Would it harm the duck to drink the salt water? Do we need to rinse off the duck after soaking it in salt water? I am thinking about letting her take a bath in a clean tub, I could make it a salt water bath. But the ducks use the water to clean their nostrils and eyes, would this hurt them? Thank you for the advice.
Ducks are amazing at healing if given the chance. Sounds like Daffy is making progress. The main thing now is infection. Keeping the wound clean and treating it the proper way. I really like Vetericyn because we don't have to touch the wound once cleaned and disinfected You might want to clip or pluck the feathers closest to the wound so feathers don't get stuck inside when it begins to close up.

Have you ever used Manuka Honey @Eggcessive? I have used it on bumble before wrapping but haven't ever had a serious wound to treat. [Thank God]
I haven’t used it before, but it is supposed to be good for wounds. Yes trimming feathers that are getting into the wound is a good idea.
She doesn't like her picture being taken but Daffy is doing much better! She did end up getting a small infection on day 3 so we did a couple more days of penicillin and it cleared up. The wound is closing remarkably fast and she is starting to act herself again. I have given her 2 salt water baths and for now I am still giving her the pain medacine but she does not seem in a panic every time it is time for the next dose so I think I can stop it in a couple days too. Thank you everyone for your advice and support!
You did an excellent job caring for her! She is one very lucky duck to have you. Anyone else probably would have given up but you never did! Congratulations!
Update: Daffy is alive and well! She has grown back almost all of her feathers and although she sometimes has the effected wing slip down her side, she is able to keep it where she wants it most of the time so I don't think to much damage was done. She flaps and plays just like our other 2 ducks. Her chest will probably always have a divit in it but if her feathers keep coming in like they are, you would otherwise never know! Amazing how far she has come in 6 weeks!!
That’s great! So glad she made it! :yesss:

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