Duck breathes with his mouth open


Jan 4, 2018
My two month old duck is having some breathing issues, and my vet can't find out what. We have a local vet, but they're not specialised in ducks, and the nearest avian vet is a good hour ride away. I've taken a video but I don't know how I can post that on here, I'm new.

I know ducks breathe with their mouth open when they're hot, but I've seen that before and this is different. I'm worried because our deceased duck was breathing exactly the same way. Before we go to an avian vet I thought I'd try here. Is it an infection that has spread to his lungs? Is he sick? Any help is greatly appreciated, this is my first time having ducks.
I would say he/she is hot based on your description but if you are worried about it being something else I would take the drive to the vet. Hopefully, someone else on here can be of a bit more help
I would say he/she is hot based on your description but if you are worried about it being something else I would take the drive to the vet. Hopefully, someone else on here can be of a bit more help

I'm really bummed I can't post a video on here because it looks so different from that and you'd get what I mean once you see it. When he's hot he's panting, breathing super fast and sticking his tongue out a little bit, kind of like a dog. But when he does this his breathing is deep, but normal. Like, every two seconds or so, but he's breathing with his entire body. He just looks exhausted. I'll definitely go to the vet tomorrow since it's the same as our sick duck who passed a few days back, but I thought I'd try it on here too, just in case.
If you can take your duckling to the vet an hr away I'd def do that especially since you lost another duck to the same symptoms.
How is his appetite? what does his poop look like can you post pics of poop we have a few members who can tell a lot by poop.

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