Duck Breed Focus - Crested Ducks

I have Murray Mcmurray Rouens and Khakis, one pair each and they hatched out a crested In August. I do not know which combo of breed(s) the duckling is. Could be any combo of those 4. The Rouen was the broody who hatched it.

These pictures are of the hatchling after her feathers came in after a few months.

These are of the duckling just days after hatch.

I forgot to add that we incubated and hatched between 15-20 eggs from these same ducks and none of those were crested.
Love that baby she turned into a beautiful duck.
i used to have creasted ducks, i bought them because my mom had them growing up and i thought it would be fun to have them, too. i bought 3 from our local feed store but when they were about month or 2 old one drowned in a baby pool.
- i was very upset - and i was planning on showing the other 2 but becasuse of the bird flu this year our poultry show was canceled. i kept the other 2 for a while but in august i sold them.

these ducks are very sweet and i loved having them around, they were very tidy with there water and were not nosy or flighty.
i used to have creasted ducks, i bought them because my mom had them growing up and i thought it would be fun to have them, too. i bought 3 from our local feed store but when they were about month or 2 old one drowned in a baby pool.
- i was very upset - and i was planning on showing the other 2 but becasuse of the bird flu this year our poultry show was canceled. i kept the other 2 for a while but in august i sold them.

these ducks are very sweet and i loved having them around, they were very tidy with there water and were not nosy or flighty.
They are so precious. Thanks for sharing.
I did have a couple born with super huge crests, one had his brain on top of his head (died right after hatching), and a couple others with neurological problems due to the huge crests. One we named "Mr. Special", he would hold his head sideways sometimes like he was drunk. He was our silly baby. He lived a long time though.
According to Wikipedia, the White Crested was added to the American Standard of Perfection in 1874. The Black variant was added in 1977.

The mutation can show up in any breed of duck, so I am sure there are other things involved in the ASOP. I would guess it is just like you can get Mallard coloring in an Indian Runner, but that wouldn't make it a Mallard. So my understanding is that "Crested" is a genetic mutation that could apply to any breed and "White Crested" and "Black Crested" are recognized breeds (at least in the US).

I just know I love mine

For better:

or for worse:

As a duckling we thought he couldn't be cuter...

We may have been wrong...

He's a silly boy!!!
According to Wikipedia, the White Crested was added to the American Standard of Perfection in 1874. The Black variant was added in 1977.

The mutation can show up in any breed of duck, so I am sure there are other things involved in the ASOP. I would guess it is just like you can get Mallard coloring in an Indian Runner, but that wouldn't make it a Mallard. So my understanding is that "Crested" is a genetic mutation that could apply to any breed and "White Crested" and "Black Crested" are recognized breeds (at least in the US).

I just know I love mine

That's such a wonderful photo, it makes me smile!

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