Duck Breed?


Mar 7, 2012
Central Virginia, USA
Picked up 5 ducks today...but don't know the breed. Anyone know that can advise?

Thank you.


runner? I am not an expert, just have seen some pics of the runner ducks, look like yours. I hope someone who knows more about ducks will tell you.

by the way, nice birds! good luck with them!
It looks like those are runners- Def, Runners almost are stick straight up, and their fast! (Or so I have been said)

I don't think you have one male, the three with the darkish brownish heads are males, also a distinct color to look for is their yellowish greenish bill. The females should have more of a dark brownish bill. in the second photo- It looks like the only female is the one on the very left, accompanied by 4 males all behind her, its hard to tell in the pics But I am certain that at least 3 of them are males, also..

Females have a QUACK! And males have a raspy kinda quack..

Thats all I can help you with..

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