Duck breeders in wisconsin

Just found this thread so here I am! We're in NW Wisconsin, Sawyer Cty and have a small accidental farm. Lol.

Currently we have about 55 ducks, 4 geese, 25 pheasants and 15 chickens.

Duck breeds are: Ancona (blacks and Blues), Golden Cascades, Khaki, Saxony, Rouen, Pekin, Muscovy, 2 white (yes, white) Appleyard drakes and 1 blue Swedish drake.

Geese: embden, toulouse, 2 Saddlebacks

Pheasants: Red Golden, Lady Amherst, Alaskan Snow, Ringneck

Mixed flock of chickens and breeding quarter of Ameraucanas, few brown leghorn girls.

So if anyone is interested in trades, hatching eggs (pure come spring), ducklings please let me know.

Currently looking for 1-2 female blue Swedish hens as we took in the lone drake from a friend whose flock almost all got taken out by a mink a couple of days ago. He just got his curly tail, poor baby!

Been having ducks for 3 years now and loving it! Got pretty knowledgable by learning and raising so if any of you need help please feel free to PM me!
Stay warm and tty later!
Just found this thread so here I am! We're in NW Wisconsin, Sawyer Cty and have a small accidental farm. Lol.

Currently we have about 55 ducks, 4 geese, 25 pheasants and 15 chickens.

Duck breeds are: Ancona (blacks and Blues), Golden Cascades, Khaki, Saxony, Rouen, Pekin, Muscovy, 2 white (yes, white) Appleyard drakes and 1 blue Swedish drake.

Geese: embden, toulouse, 2 Saddlebacks

Pheasants: Red Golden, Lady Amherst, Alaskan Snow, Ringneck

Mixed flock of chickens and breeding quarter of Ameraucanas, few brown leghorn girls.

So if anyone is interested in trades, hatching eggs (pure come spring), ducklings please let me know.

Currently looking for 1-2 female blue Swedish hens as we took in the lone drake from a friend whose flock almost all got taken out by a mink a couple of days ago. He just got his curly tail, poor baby!

Been having ducks for 3 years now and loving it! Got pretty knowledgable by learning and raising so if any of you need help please feel free to PM me!
Stay warm and tty later!
I'm not from Wis, but just wanted to ask "Where's the Pics"
I'm not from Wis, but just wanted to ask "Where's the Pics"   :pop

You should have seen some already Miss Lydia, but I can try to post what I got on my phone. Otherwise you'd have to wait til the weekend when I can get to the puter to upload some more!

Here ya go...
these are the Anconas

my only created Rouen, Quincy. My baby

Freddie (up) and Piper (down), our Muscovies

Alaskan Snow pheasant with Ringneck babies

Don't have any more on here. So patience everyone! I'll be back ;)
You should have seen some already Miss Lydia, but I can try to post what I got on my phone. Otherwise you'd have to wait til the weekend when I can get to the puter to upload some more!

Here ya go...
these are the Anconas

my only created Rouen, Quincy. My baby

Freddie (up) and Piper (down), our Muscovies

Alaskan Snow pheasant with Ringneck babies

Don't have any more on here. So patience everyone! I'll be back
Love them all but Quincy is precious and I have never heard of a Alaskan Snow pheasant. Are they really from Alaska?
Yes, my SO fell in love with the white birds and we got some hatching eggs about 4 years ago. We breed and raise them ever since, unfortunately not much interest in these pretty birds.
Not sure how the name came about, maybe cause they are white like Alaskan snow? Not sure, but they're not from there.

Here are a couple of pics of them...

a male and female Alaskan Snow pheasant. male has red waddles

one of our flocks, male with 4 females

a speckled female, she is a broody one

Linus showing his devil
Yes, my SO fell in love with the white birds and we got some hatching eggs about 4 years ago. We breed and raise them ever since, unfortunately not much interest in these pretty birds.
Not sure how the name came about, maybe cause they are white like Alaskan snow? Not sure, but they're not from there.

Here are a couple of pics of them...

a male and female Alaskan Snow pheasant. male has red waddles

one of our flocks, male with 4 females

a speckled female, she is a broody one

Linus showing his devil
How gorgeous is that red on the white. They are beautiful, That's a shame about interest though, They'd make a nice addition to anyone who raises pheasants. Love those spots too.

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