Duck Coop Venting in Frigid Weather


7 Years
Feb 18, 2017
Northern Alabama
I know, it's spring going on summer. But May/June is slated for the major build or rebuild duck pen/coop. Since my Muscovy hens insist on sleeping on the pond island, and will only take refuge in their coop when it's below 20f degrees; I'm torn between putting in ventilation and making their coop semi-warm for them to sleep in 5 to 10 times a winter. Hard to imagine insulating and providing heat, then venting in cold air.

Any vent guidelines for coops when the cold winds blow?
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You'll want to put the ventilation high up above their heads, and have very large overhangs or put the vents in soffits if you have them. The goal is to keep the birds free of drafts but while having enough vents to keep the ammonia down.
Pictures would help too.
Thanks Tookie. Glad you mentioned "it's the ammonia," not just the moisture accumulation. I've so many ways to go for this project. They rarely poop (ammonia) around their nests now that they're laying eggs. Since they sleep huddled together and only when the temps drop frigid, I'm leaning toward a square 36" doghouse type structure with a bit of an artic doorway in and a smallish vent high on far side. If that doesn't satisfy 'em, I may try a large wooden nesting type box about 30" above pond level that predators won't be able to climb.
Thanks Tookie. Glad you mentioned "it's the ammonia," not just the moisture accumulation. I've so many ways to go for this project. They rarely poop (ammonia) around their nests now that they're laying eggs. Since they sleep huddled together and only when the temps drop frigid, I'm leaning toward a square 36" doghouse type structure with a bit of an artic doorway in and a smallish vent high on far side. If that doesn't satisfy 'em, I may try a large wooden nesting type box about 30" above pond level that predators won't be able to climb.
Those are good plans! Recommended ventilation per bird is 1sq ft, but if they will hardly use it you probably can get away with less. The recommended coop space per bird is 4sq ft, but then again you can get away with less space if they won't use it much.
How many ducks do you have?
There's 3 hen black Muscovy; maybe 7.5lb per bird. They're 10 mo. and likely siblings purchased from Metzer's farms. I had white duckling Muscovy before and they perched. Not these blk, only occasionally perch on large rocks at the ponds edge. They walk (all over really) up a slight slope for 75 yds and then fly back down to their pond. There is no grace in their landings, generally fall over and get back up, and I'm not confident they would fly up to a large nesting box; may not peg their landing. I provide a 23-watt pet warming pad 26.5" x 16.75" in their present 25" X 35" doghouse on frigid nites and they huddle together atop of it. Their pen with doghouse and perch they don't use, is 6.5' X 9.75'. When the sun comes up they do spread out and get fussy with each other.

The doghouse here is up for cleaning and is normally down in the far corner out of the wind. I've stopped using the small white auto feeder. There's an ADOR2 turkey door now. It works great!


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There's 3 hen black Muscovy; maybe 7.5lb per bird. They're 10 mo. and likely siblings purchased from Metzer's farms. I had white duckling Muscovy before and they perched. Not these blk, only occasionally perch on large rocks at the ponds edge. They walk (all over really) up a slight slope for 75 yds and then fly back down to their pond. There is no grace in their landings, generally fall over and get back up, and I'm not confident they would fly up to a large nesting box; may not peg their landing. I provide a 23-watt pet warming pad 26.5" x 16.75" in their present 25" X 35" doghouse on frigid nites and they huddle together atop of it. Their pen with doghouse and perch they don't use, is 6.5' X 9.75'. When the sun comes up they do spread out and get fussy with each other.

The doghouse here is up for cleaning and is normally down in the far corner out of the wind. I've stopped using the small white auto feeder. There's an ADOR2 turkey door now. It works great!
If I'm understanding correctly, they free range all the time and don't go into their run then?
True, they spend their nites on the island. They do visit their pen and prefer to lay eggs there. Easy to get 1 or 2 in, but not all 3 as they're hesitant to enter with me there around sunset (but all 3 will visit mid-day when I'm cleaning.) 1 at time will enter for a minute but then head back outside before the 3rd goes in. Sometimes 1 or 2 get trapped by the auto door closing. The ones in the pen get frantic and the 1 won't leave the island. I'm upgrading the pen to encourage their use next winter. They know when the weather is going to be frigid and just walk in on those nites.
True, they spend their nites on the island. They do visit their pen and prefer to lay eggs there. Easy to get 1 or 2 in, but not all 3 as they're hesitant to enter with me there around sunset (but all 3 will visit mid-day when I'm cleaning.) 1 at time will enter for a minute but then head back outside before the 3rd goes in. Sometimes 1 or 2 get trapped by the auto door closing. The ones in the pen get frantic and the 1 won't leave the island. I'm upgrading the pen to encourage their use next winter. They know when the weather is going to be frigid and just walk in on those nites.
Those sound like some crazy wild ducks! Not sure what I would do. Upgrading may make the coop and run more attractive to them.
If you have no problem with them being out all the time and predators aren't a big issue what they're doing seems to be fine.

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