Duck crying?

You can record a video, maybe, and upload it to YouTube.

I'm sorry your other duck didn't work out, but you gotta do what keeps the peace.

Here’s a link to the video

She made it hard to connect with so there wasn’t much of a bond there. I’m just glad that I was able to give her a home with plenty of other ducks. My other ducks have become laid back and social like the used to be.
I had three ducklings and now have two. The third I had to send back to the farm where I got her because she was becoming a bully and was super anxious and my other two ducks were feeding off of her anxiety. My duck, Dill (6 weeks old), has been making a new sound. It almost sounds like chirping but not duckling chirps. Could it be possible that this sounds is due to the third duck not being around anymore?
Do they still make peeping noises? I'm wondering if it's a quack developing. Can you post a recording?

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