Duck Diapers?

Can't wait to see what you come up with @DuckyLovin2 !

Our eggs haven't hatched yet, but I'm trying to get ahead of the issue so we can be proactive. I'm not a huge fan of forcing my animals to cope with something they don't like, but I'm looking at it as a lesser of two evils: No diaper, less time to bond and more time stuck in the brooder. With diaper, not totally thrilled to be wearing something but more time to bond and get a bit of exercise.

Seeing as this is all very hypothetic for us right now, who knows, maybe they won't hate the diaper as much as I'm imagining or maybe they won't like being out and about in the house! Hard to say.

Either way, I'm still curious to see what everyone comes up with. Good luck out there! :jumpy
Naw go for it.


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